Come Together

Long before Dallisa Hocking—CEO, Spirit & Spark®, 5th Generation Psychic Medium, Intuitive Business Consultant—claimed her own psychic medium abilities, she’d witnessed those gifts in her grandmother with whom she was close. Her grandmother wasn’t the only one with these skills. There had been other ancestors on her father’s side of the family too who’d been psychic mediums as well. When she was a young girl, Dallisa and her grandmother talked about such things as the ESP messages coming through for people and the apparitions her grandmother was seeing. Dallisa says her grandmother would actually see spirits walk across her living room, even noticing the clothing they were wearing. For Dallisa, in her child’s mind, the thought of seeing ghosts was frightening, and she wasn’t eager to invite that type of activity into her own life.

            Instead, she discovered she had a talent for entrepreneurship and started several companies of her own. Before she came face-to-face with the fullness of her own psychic medium abilities, Dallisa was running a matchmaking and dating service, plus working for a university. Back then, her only plan was to expand her company.

            But because she had a fascination with mediumship, stoked by her grandmother, and because she had an interest in and had studied spirituality, near-death experiences, and the intuitive workings of the universe, when Dallisa came across a notice for a workshop on synchronicity being held at the Omega institute in Rhinebeck, NY, her curiosity was piqued. She decided to travel from Texas where she was living at the time to New York to attend the event.

            The workshop experience was amazing, she says, and while at Omega, she recognized that synchronicities were happening for her. However, it was what happened afterward that changed the trajectory of Dallisa’s life. Upon finishing the event, she was invited to stay with a friend who lived next to the Institute before she returned home. While she was there, her friend received the upsetting news that his aunt, who Dallisa had never met or seen a photograph of, had fallen down a flight of stairs and had died. During that night, while she was sleeping, her friend’s aunt, who’d just passed, came to her and said that she needed Dallisa to tell her nephew that she’d made it to the other said and was okay.

Unlike her grandmother, who saw apparitions, Dallisa had seen the spirit of the woman in her mind’s eye. She believes the dead appear to her this way because of her early fears about apparitions. She says, “I didn’t want to see a ghost walking through the house. So, of course, that’s why they have me see it as a daydream, a vision. It doesn’t scare me that way.” Her mediumship encounter was validated when she told her friend about it and he confirmed that the woman Dallisa described was indeed his aunt.

            Of that experience, Dallisa says, “That night completely changed everything because now, I was like wait a second, if she came through, who else was trying to come through. What other messages are trying to reveal themselves to me and I’m just not catching it.” She could no longer deny her abilities. She was being called to engage with them.

Once she returned home, she developed her skills through self-training, giving readings, and having the information she was getting confirmed by her clients. At first, she did them over the phone for a few people, but soon more and more requests for readings were coming in. Before long, Dallisa dissolved her matchmaking and dating company, quit her job at the university, and moved to Las Vegas, where she had family, to focus on her psychic medium abilities full-time.

It wasn’t long before she was receiving so many requests for readings that she couldn’t keep up. She put together a training program in which she mentored others in developing their psychic medium abilities in order to help handle her growing volume of clients. This helped steer her to where she is today, combining her entrepreneurial skills with her mediumship abilities. She thinks the role she signed up for in this lifetime was not just to be a psychic medium but to take the information and disseminate it and share it on a bigger scale.

She has always loved working with groups and looking back now; she feels like the universe was getting her primed and ready all along for one day being in front of a crowd. These days, she especially enjoys collaborating with others because as she explains, “I feel that there’s a lot of powerful energy when people come together and I feel like we can move bigger mountains when there’s more people who are involved and invested with their time, their energy, and their talent.” Coming together to create needed change is a vision she holds clear.

In fact, Dallisa hopes to make a big, positive impact in the world and knows this will happen by getting out there in front of more people. She might not yet know how that will unfold, but she feels the trajectory for it has already started. It’s important to her she comes together with others in order to help illuminate possibilities and create a better world.  

By Karen H Lizon


An Unapologetic Creatrix


Shining Her Light