create a pie chart for your life

Draw a circle on a piece of paper.  This circle represents 100% of your time both awake and asleep.  Contemplate what compartments exist in your life and how much time you are spending on each.  Meditate on your life and look at it as though you were watching a movie.  Take in how you have been living and the choices you have made.  Do NOT go a step further until you have truly looked at the different aspects of your life from an honest perspective.  If you do not complete this first step honestly and methodically, your work following this will be only touching the surface and will not serve you in reaching your Truth.  Draw these compartments on the pie chart and complete the following self-inquiry questions.

What are the compartments that make up your life?

How much time are you spending on each one? 
Are you creating a balance between these compartments?  

Where in my life, have I become imbalanced?


mindfulness of the body activity

