Exploring the Indigo Frequency Episode #4

Buddhist Biohacker Podcast
Exploring the Indigo Frequency
Episode #4

Watch Episode #1
Watch Episode #2

What is the Indigo Frequency?

Indigo is a Galactic Master and Warrior specifically seeded here at this time for a multitude of reasons. Join Denise Dryden and Lisa M Gunshore as we spend all of 2022 exploring the purpose, skills, and mastery levels of these magnificent, seeded humans.  

Benefits of tuning in:

·      Learn the definition of frequency

·      Understand how frequency impacts your life experience

·      Understand specific skills of the Indigo

·      Learn how Indigos are challenged and how your life experience relates





Explorations from Episode #3 on Frequency

  • The Indigo arrival was like a lightening bolt of pure energy placed on Earth and re-establish the Earth Grids

  • As Indigos we hole a fractal antenna within our systems that hold a constant steady frequency

  • A measurement of vibrations, audio signals (sound), radio waves, and light.

  • To rehabilitate and recode the damaged planetary grid system which acts as the Nervous system and brain of the planet

  • To use a powerful frequency to break mind control and release the repetitive bi-wave, which is a closed polarity system and open it into an open loop system (Vesica Pisces)

Challenges to this assignment

  • We underestimated the emotional/energetic strength of being identified and attacked with our familial and community systems.

  • This enters through our nervous system and we de-stablize.

Our Physical Bodies

  • Long term internal stress impacts the nervous system

  • The regulation of the Thyroid

  • The ability to maintain a strong immune system **adding to this: our sensitivities to keep us in line with our soul purpose here and to keep our frequencies high - can’t get out of line, also toxic burden directly linked to Indigo and Gen X with glyphosate etc.

  • There is a direct link between the genetic variance of MTHFR and Indigos

  • We have this genetic mutation to create sensitivity to protect us from getting caught in addictions and going to sleep. - yes - added above too!

  • The Indigo work is to to regenerate and activate the Human DNA template’s to its highest potential.

  • The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body.

  • We are here to address and heal the vast levels of distortion between a genetically enhanced soul and a less evolved souls on Earth.

What you can do to support your physical body

Connect the Pineal Gland with the Thyroid

Develop tools and techniques to lower the stressors in your body

Get the genetic testing for the MTHFR

Understand calcification and invasion of Endocrine system and how to work with this physically and energetically

Work with lifestyle for the sensitive.


Have you been persecuting someone for your own mistake?


#237 Bhagavad Gita: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living