Finding Fulfillment: A Journey Through Self-Inquiry

This weekend, during a session of personal reflection with my tarot cards, a message stood out to me:

“When we are confronted with a personal loss or unfulfillment, we turn our attention to business or material gains.”

This prompted me to explore the concept of fulfillment more deeply. According to the dictionary, fulfillment is defined as the fulfillment of a promise, completion, a contented feeling, and the achievement of a desire or promise. Inspired by this, I decided to delve into some self-inquiry questions to better understand the promises I’ve made to myself and what fulfillment truly means to me.

Understanding Self-Promises

  1. What commitments have I made to myself in the past?

  2. Are there any recurring themes or goals that I set for myself?

  3. Why did I make these promises? What motivated me at the time?

  4. Have I kept these promises? If not, what were the obstacles?

  5. How do I feel about the promises I've kept versus the ones I haven't?

  6. Do these promises still resonate with who I am today?

  7. What new promises am I willing to make to myself now?

Exploring Fulfillment

  1. What does fulfillment mean to me personally?

  2. When have I felt truly fulfilled in my life?

  3. What activities, experiences, or achievements contribute to my sense of fulfillment?

  4. How do my relationships influence my sense of fulfillment?

  5. Are there any areas in my life where I feel unfulfilled?

  6. What changes can I make to increase my sense of fulfillment?

  7. How does my definition of fulfillment align with my values and passions?

  8. What role do my professional and personal goals play in my fulfillment?

Integrating Self-Promises and Fulfillment

  1. How do the promises I've made to myself align with my sense of fulfillment?

  2. Are my current goals and commitments leading me towards fulfillment?

  3. What adjustments can I make to ensure that my self-promises are fulfilling?

  4. How can I create a balance between my aspirations and my day-to-day life?

  5. What support or resources do I need to keep my promises and achieve fulfillment?

  6. How will I measure my progress toward fulfillment?

  7. What can I do daily to honor my promises and move toward a more fulfilled life?

Reflecting on these questions provided valuable insights into my overall sense of fulfillment, and I wanted to share them with you. By examining our self-promises and understanding what truly brings us contentment, we can navigate our lives more intentionally and find deeper satisfaction in our daily experiences.


The Wisdom of Thriving with Kelly Wendorf


Feminine Surrender with Lisa M Gunshore