Finding Heart Centered Work
It was through her spiritual studies that Suzanne Hunt—Clairvoyant, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Minister—found her way to heart-centered work. She became involved in serious spiritual study about 15 years ago, beginning with a meditation class. There she learned how to manage her energy, which was beneficial because she is an empath, and if she’s not conscious of it, she can take on other people’s emotional turmoil.
However, learning to close that empathic part of herself did not mean she shut down her own feelings. Just the opposite. Suzanne says, “This human experience of life has a rainbow of emotions and to be present for the tough ones, the challenging ones allows us to be present for the joyful, the wonderful experiences.” She cautions that if we don’t allow ourselves to feel the difficult emotions, then we block a small part of the good ones too, because as she explains, they are two parts of the same coin.
After starting her classes and learning about energy, Suzanne enrolled in a clairvoyant program of study, where, among other skills, she learned to read and heal clients. Eventually, this led her to teach at two clairvoyant schools. She says, “That’s where I think I really found my heart, in teaching other people to create their own transformation.” Suzanne enjoys supporting others in this way and hearing about what they accomplished using the tools she taught them. She says those experiences “really opened up my excitement and my desire to engage more with that teaching modality.” As a teacher, she guides students in how to work with energy, with intention and attention. She helps them gain insights into what drives their behavior and reactions in certain situations. She gets them to explore the unconscious tapes running in their heads and to recognize and release what is holding them back and create change at the core level.
While Suzanne is enthusiastic about supporting and healing others, she knows sometimes she too needs support or healing. When this happens, she first turns within. She says, “If I’m having a low moment, I might be releasing something that’s coming up, and as we release energy, sometimes we feel it as it tends to transform and move away from our space.” Since she knows how to do energy work, she uses self-care and self-healing practices to move through difficult emotional situations. At other times, if she finds she needs a little support in resolving an issue, she reaches out to her spiritual inner community, who can help her explore an issue, move through it, clear it. She trusts this group of healers of former teachers and some folks who studied in the clairvoyant program with her.
However, it’s inner guidance—her spirit guides and the angelic spirit guides—that Suzanne values and identifies with most. She says of this guidance, “We might think of it as having a team or a family that are here to support us.” She explains how this is not unique to her. “We all have guidance and that guidance is part of us,” she says. “It’s part of our intuitive wisdom. It’s part of our spiritual connection.” She describes these intuitive inputs as pieces of the gifts we have and says they are ours to own.
These days, Suzanne is leading a spiritual study at the Althea Center for the Spiritually Engaged for anyone who wants to grow spiritually, engage in personal development, learn spiritual concepts and the energy tools that go with it. In her program, she teaches participants the same spiritual studies she learned in her clairvoyant program. She does not see herself giving up teaching anytime soon, because from it she continues to learn and grow. This is important to her. She explains how, with each class, she is learning about the experience in some new way. Not only that, teaching is where she found her heart. Helping others to discover their personal transformation is heart-centered work for Suzanne.
BY Karen H. Lizon