Together We Rise

Inter-Dimensional Beings of Light,

It is the United States Election Day 2020. 

There has been a significant build of energy towards this point in our linear time.  Whilst this can be expected during a Presidential election; this year has been very different for obvious circumstances.
What can we expect today?
This is the question I took into my meditation and laid before my collective spirit team.

 ‘We are children of the stars.  Lady Gaia is herself a conduit for the Divine Kingdom of Stars.  She is a messenger of the celestial realms.  Like her, we are ALL individual Star Beings.  We are conduits of divine luminosity.  Each individual star being can ignite the awakening inside another.

Today is a day to shine your light.  Your own brilliance will shine a light on the ordinary; creating the extraordinary.  As children of the stars, we chose to accept our mission and arrive on this planet.  We came as radiant forces for the NOW time. 

Allow inspiration to guide you today.  Shine. Smile.  Bathe in gratitude for the beauty of our planet.  Create extraordinary results out of ordinary actions.

 It is time to co-create a fair world for all.

It is in the coming together of humanity that we will rise up out of the darkness.

Each individual has manifested into a human life for the soul’s purpose; to realize one’s potential.  The seed of potential lies in your ability to contribute to the whole of humanity.  Today is the day to contribute; through prayer, compassion, action, and thought.

This day will be remembered. 
Hold the Light.



USA Election Day Message


When All is Said and Done