Atlas and the Moon

ATLAS and The Moon

Saturday evening, I went out with the kids to jump on the trampoline.  Family trampoline night is a tradition at our house.  It’s a delight and serves a purpose.  Rebounding stimulates the lymphatic system.  You can have fun and clear toxins at the same time!  The moon was very bright and as I looked to the stars, I saw a bright light in the western sky.  The comet!  I knew it was the comet that astronomers have been talking about.  

“Officially known as Comet C/2019 Y4 ATLAS, ATLAS was discovered on Dec. 28, 2019, by the robotic survey Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System, which detects near-Earth objects…  As the comet gets closer to the Sun (minimum distance 0.25 AU, so one-quarter of the distance from the Earth to the Sun on May 31) and closer to Earth as well, it will become more active and hence brighter. It will also show some fascinating morphological changes such as the development of a longer tail, a second tail connected to the magnetic field of our Sun, and jets of activity in the coma.”

As I looked to this comet in the sky, I felt my heart fill with joy.  This joy is not a feeling easily articulated.  It was as though diamond light was being poured over my being and I saw millions of rainbow beings coming to Earth.  I believe that this comet is special and marks the dawning of a new age on our planet.  The kids and I jumped in almost an act of rejoicing and watched this light in the sky.  After all the activity, my littlest and I went live on Facebook and pulled a card for this special Cosmic display.  We pulled the Moon.   

The moon comes with a beautiful message.  We have come into a time where we face unknowns.  The Coronavirus global event has thrusted us all into a space of mystery.  That uncertainty only magnifies the rise of the feminine energy on the planet.  The Sacred Feminine has an innate ability to surrender to the unknown.  It is from uncertainty, that the Goddess rises and steps fully into her power.  Being in the unknown can feel lonely.  Now pair that with social distancing and isolation and suddenly your darkest fantasies of lack and scarcity are projected onto your future.  During this time, you may feel desperate in the darkness.  The Moon asks us to go within and face our fears.  Mother Moon is a Goddess herself and she asks you to take time for retreat and reflection.  She tells us that there will be many unforeseen changes and unexpected occurrences.  It is through ACCEPTANCE that you will allow the new perspective to shine through this darkness.  The only way out of our current times is to go through it; TOGETHER.

Through synchronicities another message rose up as I connected into the comet and the moon.  I began seeing spirals.  I noticed them in my own art, and I saw it in others.  The spiral is the coiled serpent and is an ancient tool for transformation.  Let the Spiral be your guide into your own consciousness.  Your consciousness is your personal unknown.  Imagine the spiral go inward and then extend outward to the Source.  In order to experience renewal, you must shed your own skin.  Surrender and acceptance can be described as allowing your new skin emerging to be nourished instead of a concentrated focus on sloughing off the old and dead parts of you.  Allow this journey of rebirth to happen without focusing on it. 

Atlas was a titan.  He was condemned, by Zeus, to hold up the Celestial Heavens for eternity.  He was known as the wise man, the first King of Atlantis, the father of Calypso and the 7 Pleiades.  The Pleiades are known as the 7 sisters and are located in Taurus.  Cherokee legends tell the tale of Native Americans originating from the Pleiades.  Navajo called them the Sparkling Suns.  It is believed that the Indigenous peoples are Starseeds from the Pleiades.  It is no surprise that astronomers named this comet ATLAS.  For me, it is glaringly obvious that this comet marks the dawning of a new age.  We are in the birth of the new age of Aquarius.  The age of the Divine Feminine awakening.  The advancement of technology, in the past three weeks, as a new way of living speaks to Atlantean times.  This comet was last believed to be seen on our planet 6000 years ago.  ATLAS is bringing to us, new rainbow beings, new light codes, and a renewed human experience.  Tomorrow, April 7, 2020, is the Full Moon.  Look to the Sky and embrace both ATLAS and the Moon as your guides into the unknown.  This unknown leads you directly back to Source.

By Lisa M Gunshore


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