Meet Me In Meditation

Meet Me in Meditation

Connecting to community in meditation, when you are presented with challenges in your life, will help bring light into the world.  There will be times when we are unable to connect with each other.  We may not have access to the internet.  We may not have the ability to call with a cell phone.  We may be sick or hurt and unable to reach out for help.  We may have a loved one who cannot connect with us.  I am going to share with you, in this article, a specific practice to telepathically connect and share healing light with your community and the globe.

Our planet is surrounded with grids of light.  One of the grids is called the Christ-Force Grid or the Crystalline 144 Grid.  Visualize a grid of diamond white light that encompasses the Earth.  This grid is a double penta dodecahedron.  It has 144 facets, the number of Christ Ascension.  The number 144 also correlates to the spiritual 144 DNA Strand.  This 144 DNA strand is activated when the 12th DNA weaves into all 12 strands of consciousness.  The Christ-Force Grid and the 144 DNA strand both relate to the process of Ascension.  I understand this is a very brief explanation.  For more information review my references and look for upcoming articles from me regarding DNA Ascension and Activation.

For this practice, you will complete the steps below.  You can access the grid from any location.  Find a quiet space and come into stillness.  Practicing in nature would be ideal but is not necessary.

Watch the teaching:

Meditation Steps:

Begin with the 9 Breaths of Purification
Access Stillness
Bring light through the crown chakra.
Visualize the Earth
Visualize the 144 Crystalline Grid (Christ Force Grid)
Imagine connecting/plugging in to the Grid.
Connect with your community in the Grid.
Breathe diamond white light in and out.
Breathe fear and dis-ease in, transmute in the high-heart chakra and then breathe out diamond white light.
Continue as long as necessary.



Atlas and the Moon


Into the Light