Into the Light

 I wrote this poem on October 13, 2009, which happens to be my dad's birthday.

I have nothing left.

I have nothing more to give.

Nothing more to say.

There is no breath in me that holds the energy to breathe.

My body is limp.

My emotions have run dry.

I cannot shout.

I cannot speak.

I cannot feel.

There is no hunger.

No wanting.

There are no great desires.

I have nothing.

I hold nothing.

There is only void.


I am naked in the dark.

But there is a light.

Small like a lamp on a foggy street.

At first it is dull, distant.

Then it comes closer.

It becomes brighter.

It fills the air.

It fills my soul.

The light comes from the darkness.

It stands firm in the black void of time and space.

It is warm and bright.

It fills the damp slumber of nothingness.

It heals.

I am bathed in light.


Meet Me In Meditation


Remember Who You Are