Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are
We are the Witches, the Healers,
The Persecuted Ones.
We are the standers by
that hid our gifts in fear.
We are the Mothers,
the Caretakers,
the Wise Ones.
We are the Medicine Man,
The feathered Shamans,
The beaten ones, the shy, the brave,
The tortured, the feared.
We are the intuits, the empaths,
the all-knowing, the Seers.
We are the healthy and the sick.
We made promises.
We kept vows.
We committed to remembering.
Remembering how to heal.
Holders on to ancient methods.
We asked to access our gifts,
to heal the sick,
to teach the wisdom seekers.

Remember who you are.
You are the light.
You know the way.
You speak the Truth.
You breathe in the Earth.

Remember who you are.
Become it.
Feel it.
Know it.

You are That.
You are.
I Am.
I is You.
United with me.

Remember who we are.

By Lisa M Gunshore


Into the Light


Awakening to Spring