automatic writing

I remember, years ago, when I would take my notebook and go out to the old oak tree behind my house.  The oak tree had been hit by lightening many years before we lived there and it had fallen and became this wonderful bridge across the creek that ran through there.  The oak tree was so large that you could practically lay across its width.  I loved sitting out there.  Especially in the rain or right after a rain.  There was moss all across the end of the tree and the smell of rain and moss was intoxicating to me.  I loved all my little notebooks and to this day I still find myself buying notepads and notebooks for no reason at all.  I loved when they got wet and the sound of the crackling of the paper after it had dried.  There was something about going to that space; the smells and the quiet reflection of nature.  If you have read Thoreau or Emerson they speak of it too; “Every morning was a cheerful invitation to take my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself.”  That oak tree was my sacred space.  It was where I went to be free of my adolescent worries and to be one with the world that was beyond our knowing.  

It was in this space that I would free write.  I had no idea that it was ‘automatic writing’.  I didn’t have a label on it.  I just went and wrote all the thoughts that came to me and the stories and the philosophy.  I still have some of those pages and it is quite amazing to me some of what I channeled from my sacred space.  This is really where automatic writing begins.  It begins with a sacred space - or putting yourself in a sacred space rather.  You have to be free of your cares and in a totally present state.  There are likely a thousand ways to create a sacred space.   It could be a special place in nature or your favorite chair in your home.  It could be that you always have your coffee or that you always light a candle.  It could be as simple as the meditation or breathing you do before you quiet your mind.  The best part of a sacred space or going into a trance like state is it really requires nothing at all but quieting your mind and becoming present.  Once you are in a present state of mind you will notice that the world around you becomes quiet.  You release your worries and your shopping list.  Any time I have decided to automatic write or free-flow write I find myself going into a space where I feel like all is quiet and yet I am not alone.  There is an essence of the veil in front of me and yet you can feel what is beyond.

It is important to note that you may have more than one sacred space but it is important to keep consistent.  When automatic writing or channeling you are training your body and mind to go into a trance like state.  This takes a bit of hypnotic practice which is why keeping the same routine for it is very helpful.

Once you are in a present state in your sacred space get out your pen and paper.  You could also use a pencil or a crayon or your computer and not handwrite at all.  It is up to you and what feels best to stay in the flow.  Then write!  I usually start by posing a question to my guides or loved one that I am hoping to channel.  Write it down!  Then see what comes.  You may have seen others who doodle or scribble until something comes through.  You can absolutely do that.  If you are typing on the computer you may just practice hitting keys over and over.  Once the messages start flowing it is important not to stop.  This is where we usually screw up.  Our ego brain takes over and we start questioning what we are writing or we wonder if this is really a message from a guide or we go back and read through what we just wrote.  Don’t do it!  The important part of automatic writing is to stay in the flow.  Keep writing until you feel like you can’t.  If you lose your train of thought you may want to start doodling or scribbling and see if more comes.  

When you are done; you’re done!  Close the notebook and put it away!  I learned a long time ago that you shouldn’t read through your channeled writings right away.  Instead thank the Spirit world for connecting and put it away for a day.  Then pick it up and read it.  You will be so surprised at what you have written!

Happy Channeling!


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