Biotransformation Lab: Self-Healing Mold, Candida, and Parasites Series

This Biotransformation Lab is a 5-part series, you will learn how you may be affected by Candida, Mold, and Parasites and how to heal them naturally and through spiritual practice. 

What you will learn:

·      Understand the symptoms related to candida, mold, and parasites

·      Understand their metaphysical purpose and explore your own connection

·      Learn tools for self-healing such as: meditation, self-inquiry, nutrition, and supplementation

·      Learn how to test your body for mold, candida, and parasites and what to do with the data

·      Receive a nutrition plan, shopping list, and additional resources

·      Join in a private, social community group to share your own experiences

  1. Toxic Burden and the Process of Self-Healing

Learn about toxic burden and how it affects your life experience.  Understand what self-healing means and how to get started.


Understanding Candida

Learn what candida is, the symptoms, and how it relates to your life experience.  Understand its metaphysical purpose and explore your own connection.

Understanding Parasites

Learn what parasites are, the symptoms, and how it relates to your life experience.  Understand its metaphysical purpose and explore your own connection.


Understanding Mold

Learn what mold exposure is, the symptoms, and how it relates to your life experience.  Understand its metaphysical purpose and explore your own connection.

Testing and the Healing Process

Learn how to test your body for mold, candida, and parasites and what to do with the data.  Receive a nutrition plan, shopping list, and additional resources.

Download the Guide to Self-Healing Mold, Candida, and Parasites directly from the Buddhist Biohacker Portal. Don’t have your invitation to the portal?

Get it NOW


Ep. 256 Eclipse Season with Kate Wind Astrologer


#238 Fascia as Consciousness with Deanna Hansen