experiencing Hurricane Lydia

I returned home last Wednesday after a two-week journey to both Canada and Mexico. The purpose of my trip was to attend the Block Therapy conference in Canada, followed by a yoga immersion in Mexico. My expectations were for personal transformation, but what I experienced far exceeded them. The peak of my journey, and its final day, included experiencing a Category 4 hurricane in Puerto Vallarta.


Two days before the hurricane, I was deeply immersed in yoga, wandering the jungle barefoot, enduring the intense heat and humidity. Sleeping was a challenge in such conditions. After six days, I had managed to get four hours of sleep and could finally dream. On that particular night, I awoke from a vivid and unsettling lucid dream. I found myself in my own home with my husband, and the winds were so ferocious that our safety was at risk. In my dream, I urgently told Scott that we needed to close the door to shield ourselves from the powerful gusts. It took both of us to force the door shut. In the dream, planes were plummeting from the sky due to the sheer force of the wind, and I desperately searched for our pets, deeply concerned for their well-being.


I frequently have prophetic dreams, but they often entwine symbolism and prophecy, making interpretation a challenge. Amidst the intensive energy shifts during the immersion, I hadn't paid much attention to what this dream might be foretelling. Two days later, our retreat was evacuated due to Hurricane Lydia.


My decision was to leave the retreat space with three other women and head to Puerto Vallarta. Our hope was to seek safety in a large hotel with robust walls and proximity to the airport in case of flooding or road devastation. Our choice of shelter felt divinely guided. It was only after we checked in that we became aware of the hotel's newness and its generator system. The four of us spent the day awaiting the impending storm. Many locals and tourists staying in beachfront properties began checking into the hotel. The lobby filled up, and by late afternoon, the restaurant was bustling as everyone anticipated having a meal before the hurricane made landfall.


During this period, we observed the storm's progression, witnessing it escalate from a Category 1 to a Category 2, and then suddenly reaching Category 4 with the eye aimed directly at us. Tears welled up as we hurriedly packed go-bags and reached out to our husbands and partners to share the news and ensure we were well-prepared. These women, whom I had barely known before, became my greatest source of emotional and physical support. Each of us brought something valuable to the table as we braced ourselves to face the impending storm. With our headlamps secured, we began to hear the wind's growing intensity, and within minutes, we found ourselves huddled in our bathroom, seeking refuge away from the windows.


The window blew open, allowing hurricane-force winds and rain to invade our hotel room. Swiftly, we grabbed our bags and managed to exit our room. The door slammed shut with the sheer force of the wind, and we found ourselves in the corridor. The wind howled violently, creating a cacophony in the hallway. A compassionate woman across the hall opened her door and invited us into her family's room. The other side of the building was quieter, and we engaged in small talk with this kind family, grateful for their generosity.


Not long after, hotel security knocked on the door, instructing all of us to evacuate to the ballroom on the second floor. We were led down the stairwell, the winds still roaring, and ushered into a spacious ballroom where many people were seated, engaged in conversation. Announcements were made in Spanish, and a man, who seemed to materialize out of nowhere on our floor, joined us and translated the messages. His calming presence provided support as we navigated our fears. Despite the crowded space, there was a sense of community in that ballroom amid the hurricane's fury. We shared water and offered each other solace when emotions ran high. Then came the announcement that the storm had passed, and it was safe to return to our rooms. After housekeeping had mopped our floors and secured our windows, we finally attempted to get some much-needed rest.


Sleeping was a challenge, and we were on edge throughout the night. When morning arrived, the sun was shining, and our flights were on schedule for our journey back home. Damage in the area seemed minimal. As we re-packed our bags and headed to the lobby for breakfast, laughter filled the air. Everyone was present, and the hotel staff welcomed us with smiles, celebrating our survival. They escorted us to a table, and greetings and smiles abounded as we acknowledged the guests we had bonded with during the harrowing night. It was a beautiful experience to feel such a strong sense of community with people who were strangers just a short time ago.


For those who know me, it comes as no surprise that I would venture to a country I had never visited before and find myself directly in the path of the eye of a hurricane on the eve of an eclipse. It was, undoubtedly, a shamanic initiation, an experience that has forever altered my perspective on this journey called life. While I've already had two near-death experiences in this lifetime, this third close call has gifted me with yet another layer of understanding.


The name Lydia carries the meaning of "beautiful" or "noble one." A hurricane has the power to transition individuals from self-denial to the full expression of the Goddess within. Hurricanes, being of the water element, are closely associated with the feminine and the concept of rebirth. In the midst of the hurricane, Lydia manifested as the great Mother, embodying her protective force and unpredictability, inciting growth and transformation in everyone within her reach.


During this experience, the qualities of the divine feminine were notably present, guiding us through our transformative journey. These qualities included community, compassion, reflection, acceptance, and kindness. I observed that panic did not exist throughout the ordeal. My tears were tender and vulnerable. The three women I had chosen to be with created a space of safety and security where we could openly express our emotions. We were there for one another, offering compassion and refraining from judgment regarding the emotions and experiences we each chose to embrace. The community that assembled in the hotel also fostered an atmosphere of compassionate connection.

Since my return home, I've dedicated the past few days to reflecting on the experience and working through my emotions. Early this morning, I awoke with a newfound understanding. The gift bestowed by Hurricane Lydia was the gift of space. Lydia's presence clarified who and what had been draining my energy. She illuminated what truly matters in my life and what I no longer wish to channel my finite life force into.


Hurricane Lydia, akin to a Kali-Mother goddess, unleashed volatility and demanded an unwavering resilience from within me. Much like Kali, she embodies the traumas in my life where my fate seemed beyond my control, and my presence was indispensable for survival. Kali, a fierce and powerful deity in Hindu mythology, represents the destructive force of time and change, often seen as a liberator who clears the path for rebirth and renewal. In the same vein, Hurricane Lydia served as a force of upheaval, breaking down barriers and requiring me to summon my inner strength to endure.


In my own life, I am unwavering in my commitment to establish an environment characterized by safety, connection, and compassion for not only myself but also my family and everyone within my sphere. In this pursuit, I draw inspiration from goddesses like Durga, who symbolizes protection and courage. Durga is known for her strength in combating adversity and maintaining harmony. Just as a nurturing mother fosters growth and development, a hurricane can deliver vital rain to nourish the earth, facilitating growth and renewal.


Now that the storm is safely behind me, there arises an urgent need to nurture what holds the utmost significance in my life. Lydia's tumultuous visitation has effectively removed what no longer serves me, thus allowing me to channel my energy into cultivating the qualities of the divine feminine in every aspect of my existence. This transformation is a reflection of the multifaceted nature of the goddess, embodying both the fierce determination of Kali and the protective grace of Durga, as I work to create a harmonious and resilient life.


Fall’s Natural Rhythm: The Hanged Man and Transition


Roasting root vegetables