2024: From Ruts to Grooves
Creative Writing, Astral Lisa M Gunshore Creative Writing, Astral Lisa M Gunshore

2024: From Ruts to Grooves

In the journey of life, our experiences are often shaped by the patterns of behavior and thought we develop, known as "ruts" and "grooves." Ruts represent entrenched, often negative, patterns that limit our growth, while grooves signify positive, uplifting behaviors that lead us toward self-realization and fulfillment.

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experiencing Hurricane Lydia
Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore

experiencing Hurricane Lydia

I frequently have prophetic dreams, but they often entwine symbolism and prophecy, making interpretation a challenge. Amidst the intensive energy shifts during the immersion, I hadn't paid much attention to what this dream might be foretelling. Two days later, our retreat was evacuated due to Hurricane Lydia.

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Grace from my Guru
Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore

Grace from my Guru

He turned as it was time for the picture. I am not certain even now how the picture came with my eyes facing forwards. I was mesmerized by my Guru, here before me. Years of meditation and practice with teachings coming only in whispers during the silence or through a random internet post.

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Letter from my Great Grandmother
Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore

Letter from my Great Grandmother

Now that you know more about life and its demands, you have a clearer view of the struggle for existence of me and my children. Much of it was my fault. I was an ignorant little country girl anxious to better my situation and it was a way out to marry your dad and learn about a different life away from the drudgery that I was forced into to look after Jay and Dad’s farm interests.

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Cherry Pie: Valentine’s Day
Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore

Cherry Pie: Valentine’s Day

It sounds so easy doesn’t it? To connect, to love and then to simply separate. As we all know it is not. After entering a relationship it is most often difficult to end it and sever the connection. I am finding, as I too am still learning about relationships, that by entering the relationship from the space of the heart - through unconditional love, with no expectations and demands - that it can be simple. It can be light. It can be loving without the sense of neediness or attachment. I hope by sharing my thoughts on love; how to clear away our illusions and how to become more patient and compassionate - how to embody unconditional love - that it will ease your relationship space. And perhaps even bring to you the one thing you want - True love and life partnership.

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If Life were Like Pie
Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore

If Life were Like Pie

Today I had the wonderful chance to spend the afternoon with my niece and two nephews. It is always a delight to spend time with them as it brings the energy of innocence and joy and most certainly contains a purity that we cannot find with an adult crowd. Sitting with our Starbucks we awaited our movie to start. I asked them to turn off their phones so we could spend a moment with each other. The looks were priceless as the idea of doing this sent just a bit of panic into their minds.

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Sovereignty and the Shadow
Creative Writing, Astral Lisa M Gunshore Creative Writing, Astral Lisa M Gunshore

Sovereignty and the Shadow

Integration is the fusion of opposites; dark and light.  Universal Law states we cannot have one without the other.  We cannot have our Light without also having the darkness.   

“The Eagle is the embodiment of Power and Aloneness.  The Swan is the embodiment of Space and Purity. We are the union of the Eagle and the Swan: male and female, fire and water, life and death.” Osho

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Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore


The Dead ones are the easiest for me to connect to.  Their ghostly words echo in my head and I can feel their presence.  I can see them standing by my writing desk, looking at me and me at them, as though I’m standing at a mirrors reflection.  Their excitement raises as they feel their influence on my fingers as I put pencil to paper.  They guide me to a place unexplainable; in between time when all the mundane is lost and become only faint ideas of a forgotten dream.  And the dream that is my writing comes fully awakened as I light the candle on my desk to begin.  

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Happy Summer
Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore Creative Writing Lisa M Gunshore

Happy Summer

After a long days work, tonight; I found my-self in deep conversation with a kindred spirit and friend.  Much of our life comes bundled with distraction.  There are rare and precious moments where you can become truly present with someone or a particular experience.  In the present state, you suddenly begin to process pieces of your life that you had not before.  Tonight I revealed layers of my past - that although shared to others before - were now different or I atleast saw them in a different light.

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