Happy Summer

After a long days work, tonight; I found my-self in deep conversation with a kindred spirit and friend.  Much of our life comes bundled with distraction.  There are rare and precious moments where you can become truly present with someone or a particular experience.  In the present state, you suddenly begin to process pieces of your life that you had not before.  Tonight I revealed layers of my past - that although shared to others before - were now different or I atleast saw them in a different light.

I walked through the city tonight in thought.  The pavement was hot and there were still many people milling about town, even late on a Sunday night.  As I walked I watched as couples crossed the street and groups of young party-goers ran into their next adventure.  A band played and the smells are not necessary to describe.  It felt much like a party that ran too late and should have ended hours ago.  Walking past my one of my favorite import stores a man stood in front of a statue of Buddha, staring intently at it as though he were wishing for something.

It struck me in that moment where I am in the present.  

As I walked the street I noticed the mirror of social distraction reflecting my very own chosen divertissements.  And yet, on this hot summer evening I was walking alone - no baggage, no drama, no friend in my ear, no lover on my arm.  With all the distractions of life removed I could only be present with my Self.  

Life is full. Much happens.  Do we ever take a moment to contemplate our life?  To assimilate all that has happened to us?  Have you pushed your chair back from your desk and stopped all workings to breathe deeply in your life?  It is in the moments of quiet reflection that we remember our Selves.  It is in the moments of remembering that we finally ingest moments of our past and begin to see things with clarity and understanding.

I was reminded tonight of how much I care for one of my dear friends.  He once said to me; 'I wonder if anyone really knows you.'  My response to him now is this:

When I look at  those around me, I see myself. 

We are all reflections of each other.

Those that we connect with embody the essence of our own Self.

My question for all of us to contemplate is this;

Do you really know you?



