
All living things in existence are made up at their most essential level of vibrating, pulsing energy. Mystics have recounted their experience of this energy, which is said to manifest in our hearing awareness as a humming vibration around and within everything else. The primal "unstruck" sound within the silence at the end of the sacred syllable AUM is made manifest through the gong. The sound of the gong reaches the body on a cellular level, encouraging integrated healing of body, mind, and spirit. When one really "listens" to this silent sound, this unstruck vibration, one comes inevitably to stillness, to pure and open existence. This multi-dimensional sound experience can transform your genetic structure, shift consciousness and bring profound peace.


Samvahan is an ancient method of healing practiced in India for thousands of years. It is based on the idea that everything in the Universe is vibrating. The art of this healing technique is to introduce a new vibration to the body that will shift the bodies frequency. It is described as a type of massage that can bring great peace and clarity following a session.


Ancient Civilizations like the Egyptians and the Lemurians used vibrational energy healing. By utilizing vibration you can transform your physical and energetic bodies. You change the frequency of those bodies through the vibration of sound or energy vibrating through the hands. Dis-ease and illness can manifest due to poor energy flow or a blockage in your auric field. The healer can shift the vibration of the body, increase energy flow and remove blockages by using the correct frequencies that are often higher than the present time vibration.

Gongs and Chanting

There are many different tools used to create sound and vibration during a healing; Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks, Gongs, Bells and music. In addition, chanting, hands on vibrational healing and essential oils are also used.

Currently Pulscension performs Gong Baths with a Paiste Gong tuned to the Vibration of Neptune. Neptune, God of the Sea, is the ruler of Pisces. In astrology, Neptune is considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, illusion, and confusion. Neptune rules spirituality, and all things subtle. Neptune is associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment.


Happy Summer


Exploring Gong Yoga