If Life were Like Pie

Today I had the wonderful chance to spend the afternoon with my niece and two nephews.  It is always a delight to spend time with them as it brings the energy of innocence and joy and most certainly contains a purity that we cannot find with an adult crowd.  Sitting with our Starbucks we awaited our movie to start.  I asked them to turn off their phones so we could spend a moment with each other.  The looks were priceless as the idea of doing this sent just a bit of panic into their minds.  I too shut down my phone; which rarely happens so we could truly be present with each other.  It is not often that I get an 'Aunt Lisa Day' and I wanted each of us to have full attention.  The subject of pie came up - it often does with this group - and I asked the question; if your life right now were like pie, what kind of pie would it be?  

What a wonderful question!  Watch out as I may ask everyone that from now on! :)  My nephew Joe was first to share.  His life would be like apple pie.  He shared that it's thick and gooey and yet still has a crunch to it that most would not expect.  It's traditional.  My niece, who is unfortunately much like me, shared that her life would be like cherry pie.  It is sweet and yummy and yet there are sour parts to it that you don't always like and can even surprise you.  Finally my youngest nephew shared that his life would be chocolate pie...because he loves it!!! My sister shared later that hers would be pecan; it is sweet and gooey and yet on top it is still nuts!  And my pie?  Well, I chose mincemeat.  There are so many ingredients, different flavors, unique spices; all rolled up into this amazing pie that is unexpected and spicy!

So I pose the question to you; If your life right now were like a pie; what kind would it be?

I think that all life should be as amazing as a perfect piece of pie.  There are hundreds of flavors and even more shapes, sizes and crusts.  So much variety and yet it always is the same thing.  It is dessert.  I have been writing a book for the last few years; Enlightenment Pie and I wrote in it:

"Pie contains within it the laughter shared with family and friends, the innocence of children, the traditions of family, the idea of new beginnings and long endings, and the wonderful 'fullness' that is felt at the end of a great meal. Pie is the finishing touch on a perfect dinner or a summer night. It is the indulgent beginning to a lazy Sunday morning or a relationship just blossoming in a booth at Perkins in a small country town. It is these moments of simplicity and light that hold relationships together and give us 'piece' of mind."

As we roll into the holidays where pie is ever present; take time to think about your own ingredients, the filling that makes up your life; the crust that is your foundation and the beautiful toppings of Grace and Light that accompany us on this Earth.


Cherry Pie: Valentine’s Day


Response to Conception