Sovereignty and the Shadow

On 11/11/19 the Indigo Pattern was activated on the planet.  The Indigo Children were called up and asked to report for duty and step into their mission and Soul Purpose on the Earth.  I am an Indigo, as many of you in my community are.  I understood the message, answered the call, and on November 11, 2019 at 11:11am mountain time I held a call entitled; Break Free and Ascend.  On that call, I shared the message I received from Spirit.  That the time was NOW.  There was no time left.  That we were being called;

Our soul work is to act as the bridge between our physical lineage and our soul’s destiny.  Revealing the inherent gifts and talents of our ancestry and leveraging the suffering of our ancestors as our strength and ability to live out our Truth.  It is time to break free from your inherited genetics and fully align with the purpose of your soul. 

The full message and the action steps to take are in the Blog post and YouTube video entitled Break Free and Ascend.

The meaning of this message has become enhanced in the midst of this Global Pandemic and system dismantling occurring within our linear reality.  We are ALL being called to remember who we are, why we came here, and remove the obstacles that have held us back.  There are many lightworkers, starseeds, and empaths here to help with this; including myself.  There are many blogs, videos, books, and resources available to you to break free from patterns inherited in your genetic structures.  The artificial genetic mutations, unnatural or manmade genetic structures, and synthetic management of the body is trying to push its way forward.  Remember who you are.  We are natural beings managed by natural and universal laws.  We are made to exist in Unity with Lady Gaia.  Healing patterns and ‘coming out’ of the systems will aid in your process of returning to Source, to Oneness.

Now to address the Gridworkers:

The grids around and upon the Earth serve us in the ascension process.  The Crystalline-144 Ascension Grid is now a double penta-dodecahedron.  What this means is that we are shifting to a higher frequency upon the Earth.  Coming together as Lightworkers, Master Teachers, and Guardians of the Earth as ONE, united group, is a valuable way to aid in the ascension process.  It is our connection to the Earth and the Cosmos – As Above, So Below – that can aid in directing LOVE and LIGHT to all of humanity.  By connecting in, to the grid we accelerate ascension individually and as a whole.  The transformation of your genetic structures will occur naturally through this process.  As you raise your vibration, your desire to maintain your physical structure through holistic and natural means, through your connection with Mother Earth, will manifest.

I shared my downloads, to connect to the grid and to activate your fifth-dimensional DNA, from Spirit, in two specific meditations via the One Heart One Earth Global Healing Summit.  Meet Me In Meditation and Activate Your Immunity Part 1 and 2 which can be found on my YouTube channel.

This brings me to the topic at hand.  

As Human Beings living on Earth, we operate under natural and universal laws.  We are Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Empaths who have come from the Rays of Indigo, Violet, Rainbow, Crystal and other light energies.  We are senior in our space.  We have complete autonomy of our own energy fields and physical matter.  We are governed by the Universal Laws and we have the freedom to choose our path.  We do not have to give in to the shadow.  We do, however, want to understand the shadow, forgive the shadow, and integrate our destructive emotions into your being as our consciousness continues to ascend.

The topic of integration first came up about 10 days ago, in the second weekend of the One Heart One Earth Global Healing Summit.  As the summit went into week two, the energy felt as though we had blasted open with Light and now there was a call to integrate ourselves with our new learnings.  Yesterday afternoon, while teaching a Tarot class, I spoke of the Tower and this idea of integration and the shadow began to assimilate in my mind.  The archetype of the Tower is the collapse of one’s beliefs and systems in order to re-build.  It is RADICAL transformation and it is happening NOW.  

“The old ways are no longer useful, and you must find another set of beliefs, values and processes to take their place.” Rider Waite

This was identified as a card of the shadow in Tarot communities that connected with Carl Jung’s archetypal work.  

Carl Jung said:

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.

Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.  Who looks outside, dreams.  Who looks inside, awakens.

Osho, although a controversial teacher, said:

The conflict is in man. Unless it is resolved there, it cannot be resolved anywhere else. The politics is within you; it is between the two parts of the mind. A very small bridge exists. If that bridge is broken through some accident, through some physiological defect or something else, the person becomes split, the person becomes two persons--and the phenomenon of schizophrenia or split personality happens.

If the bridge is broken--and the bridge is very fragile--then you become two, you behave like two persons. In the morning you are very loving, very beautiful; in the evening you are very angry, absolutely different. You don't remember your can you remember? Another mind was functioning--and the person becomes two persons. If this bridge is strengthened so much that the two minds disappear as two and become one, then integration, then crystallization, arises.

All of this philosophy and teachings from Master teachers are speaking of integrating the shadow.  Our Global Pandemic is revealing to us this idea of split personality through a magnified lense.  

So, what do we do?

First, we acknowledge our fears.  We acknowledge what is within us and its expressions outside of us.  There are things happening in our world that don’t feel good.  There are native American tribes being wiped out by the virus, there are persons of power who are trying to push through measures that will control us.  It is okay to say; I am afraid.  But then integrate that fear.  Integrate it with love and forgiveness and transmute it into empowerment.  As I was working on this piece last night, I felt this surge of energy bubble up inside of me.  I got this!  For 15 years and counting I have been working on integration of the shadow.  I have had to face the darkness time and time again.  And instead of running from it, I grabbed onto it.  I loved it and began to love each and every aspect of myself.  I’ve written about it.  I’ve talked about it.  I’ve lived it.  So here we are, together, facing our shadows.  We can do this!  I do not know an awakening that has been experienced by any one person in which they do not see their shadow.  It is part of the process and it can be quite beautiful and show you aspects of yourself that are truly gifts.

Integration is the fusion of opposites; dark and light.  Universal Law states we cannot have one without the other.  We cannot have our Light without also having the darkness.   

“The Eagle is the embodiment of Power and Aloneness.  The Swan is the embodiment of Space and Purity. We are the union of the Eagle and the Swan: male and female, fire and water, life and death.” Osho

Action steps:

To work with Ancestral and Genetic Release: 

1. Watch Break Free and Ascend with Lisa M Gunshore and read the blog post with specific action steps you can take to begin to heal.
2. Watch Ancestral Clearing with Eve Crowe
3. Watch Releasing Ancient Fears of Plagues and Illness with Ariann

To work with Soul Purpose and begin to process the shadow:

1. Watch Honoring Your Soul Contract with Julie Hoyle
2. Watch Shamanic Techniques for Renewal with Julie Hoyle
3. Watch the Ancient Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor with Tayria Ward Ph.D.  You can also listen to this on the podcast Buddhist Biohacker on iTunes
4. Complete Forgiveness Practice for yourself and for our world.  You can find the written description on my e-book Indigo Flow or you can watch the guided practice on my Sacred Syllables Studio page for FREE.

This is just a starting point.  Follow your inner promptings for books, sessions, websites.  Whatever you feel called is exactly right.  The most important thing is to watch what is happening in our world.  Understand that there is both shadow and light.  Focus on healing yourself as this will also manifest in healing ALL beings.  We are going to have tough times ahead and there will be moments where fear exists.  Breathe in the fear and then soften it with your heart.



Response to Conception

