Exploring the Indigo Frequency Episode #2

What is the Indigo Frequency?

Indigo is a Galactic Master and Warrior specifically seeded here at this time for a multitude of reasons. Join Denise Dryden and Lisa M Gunshore as we spend all of 2022 exploring the purpose, skills, and mastery levels of these magnificent, seeded humans.

Benefits of tuning in:

  • Understand that you are a generator of frequency

  • Understand what it means to be an Indigo growing up

  • Understanding what kinds of work environment empowers you

  • Understand why we don’t need to take things personally

  • Learn you are not alone even if you believe you are alone

  • How to focus on self responsibility




This Month’s Reflection:

How are you going to hold the Indigo Frequency this week? 

*We’d love for you to share your own commitments and reflections from the show in the comments here or on YouTube.

Lisa’s Reflection:

I am going to spend some quality time with my throat chakra this month and the blue ray energy.

Denise’s Reflection:

I’m noticing that the more I ground, the more kick-ass I am at holding frequency.  For me, I will keep bringing my legs, feet, and hips down to the Earth to hold space.


Timestamp: 34:36

“…that’s the Indigo power, when we trust.  We were born into, and raised in, systems, where we don’t trust the Earth, we don’t trust the world, we don’t trust people.  That’s our growth edge as Indigos.”


Exploring Gong Yoga


My 4 Steps to healing: Trust