Following a Different Beat

Aimée Cartier has always felt compelled to add positively to the world. While working in service to others wasn’t necessarily part of her family culture, she nonetheless felt driven to serve. She says, “It was just the way that I was built.” Today, Aimée uses her talents as a psychic guide, author, and teacher to bring more positivity into the world.   

One thing is for certain, she has always honored her inner knowing, going where she was led. She says she wasn’t aware that she was following a different beat until she was an adult and realized that her friends from high school and college had not gravitated toward the same jobs as her. While she wouldn’t have known how to put it when she was young, Aimée now says, “I think I was always tuned into my own intuition.” She explains she accepted positions for reasons beyond just making money. The jobs that called to her were the ones that tackled our bigger issues, that envisioned a better future for everyone.

Fortunately, Aimée’s family did not burden her with career expectations. She says, “I had no pressure to be anything. I was basically allowed to be as I was.” Therefore, from the time she was young, Aimée forged her own path forward without anyone telling her what that path should look like. She explains, “I have always been given huge amounts of freedom from my family to just be whoever I am.” 

Perhaps it’s no surprise then that it wasn’t until Aimée was in her late 20s that she realized not everyone experienced the world in the same way as her. It wasn’t until then that she understood “what was innate to me was different from other people.” It was while reading the introduction to a book by a well-known psychic that Aimée recognized that she too was psychic. While she was already having experiences where she could see what others could not, she wasn’t aware that those experiences were unique until she came upon that book. 

Not only is she psychic, but an empath too, and because of it, Aimée is sensitive to the role that self-care plays in the lives of those who give of themselves to others. In fact, she teaches that practicing self-care is vital for a functioning intuition. She adds it is necessary for empaths, because they need a lot more care and nurturing around them just to be at their zero points. For those who are in service to others, she points out that following a self-care routine allows them to be shiny, meaning they can show up fully for other people when needed.

Regarding maintaining your own center, Aimée’s advice is “try to be easy on yourself.” After all, the demands of family, work, and other obligations can keep anyone of us from finding the time we need to do what we want to do. She points out that as a parent, she has discovered that sometimes there are great swatches of time where she has to meet the needs of others. She says when this happens, she reminds herself to keep the bigger picture in mind. She knows things will not always be the same. Still, she adds that for any of us to keep our sanity and stay happy, it is important that we make space for our own needs too.

In fact, during the current pandemic, while her family faces homeschooling and more together time than usual, Aimée has introduced what she calls joy breaks into her days. When she feels the need for it, she explains to her family that for the next twenty minutes she is on a joy break, which means she will not be answering questions or serving food. By doing little self-care breaks like this, she says she can make herself feel okay, when she might otherwise not.

Because of her lifelong drive for contributing positively to the world, after finishing college, Aimée took on such jobs as raising money for environmental causes and working at the Sierra Club. Having always had a strong connection to trees, she has used her voice to speak for them because she felt like they didn’t have a voice. She worked to protect wild places.

Today, she brings her passion for the outdoors to her family and their lifestyle. In fact, her children are enrolled in an outdoor school. She explains that while outdoor schools are not unheard of; they are still too rare. Because of this, and because she believes in the many benefits these schools offer, Aimée says, “I’m really keen on bringing more awareness to the fact that all kids could be schooled outside wherever they live.” She’s determined to help this burgeoning movement grow. She explains, “I feel that if everyone was outside in these ways, we wouldn’t have this disconnect and this sort of pillaging of the planet that we live on because people would understand in their bodies how connected we all are.” 

Even if it means following a different beat, Aimée is passionate about melding together her interests, skills, and talents in order to help create a better world for everyone.


Where the Magick Happens


A Leap of Faith