Where the Magick Happens

While Melissa Divine, psychic medium, is unaware of anyone else in her family ever having done mediumship or psychic work, she and her father—before his passing and before she opened to her gifts—had shared an almost obsessed interest in mediums. She says, “that was just part of our soul plan.” Despite her early curiosity, it wasn’t until her 30s that Melissa was consciously aware of her own mediumistic and psychic development.

She first started exploring her abilities after she took her mom and sisters, who were skeptical about such things, to see a medium. Her family came away believers. Melissa says, “That’s what mediumship does. It speaks for itself.” She thinks many of us become believers in this way, by seeing it in action, by understanding the potential for healing that is available there.

While she is known for being “spot on” with her readings, Melissa doesn’t take the credit. “I’m a medium,” she explains. “I open the door to spirit and just allow them to share their information or suggestions for the person.” Therefore, anyone working with her will understand that the advice she gives is not coming from her. She says, it’s actually “coming from your spirit guides, your helpers, your grandparents, your loved ones in the spirit world.” Her job is to be an open channel.

For this to happen, she says there is no place for ego in mediumship but a lot of space for ethics. In fact, before she does a reading, Melissa takes time to remove all her egoic and physical concerns. She knows that as a medium, she has to put those aside so that she is clear and open for the messages coming through from spirit. She explains, “I just get myself the heck out of the way and then allow their advice, their knowledge, and their expertise to come through.” Because of this, Melissa’s clients know the information they receive is authentic, relevant, and unique to them.

Melissa is not only passionate about her work; she is energized by it. This is especially true when she’s doing an event. She explains it might be a little difficult to get the pipeline going, because first messages usually come in twice removed from whoever is in the room, meaning that they might be for someone’s next-door neighbor’s father. However, after she gets started, it is most often smooth sailing. Of course, this depends on the spirits and the energies that show up for the event. However, she usually ends an event by feeling quite invigorated. 

When asked why it is often difficult for people to be an open channel for their own guidance, Melissa explains that perceiving it and trusting it are two different things. While we might pick up messages, our egos often block us from trusting the truth we’ve already perceived. In getting guidance for herself or someone else, Melissa says, “It’s easier for me to get information for someone else, especially someone that I don’t know, because that’s where the magic happens.” She explains how when a client, she knows nothing about, confirms the intimate and private information she is receiving for them, it is easy for her to trust that it’s coming from spirit.

For adventure and risk taking, Melissa explains it is necessary for us to trust the thing we are perceiving. This has allowed her to honor her adventurous nature. No matter what it is we want to achieve or experience, Melissa’s advice is to take baby steps. She says if we worry about what’s down the road; we become too scared to even take the first step. We have to trust spirit. 

If it wasn’t for following her guidance, Melissa wouldn’t currently be living a vanlife, but she is. These days, her belongings are in storage. She has given up her apartment for a home on wheels, her van. She describes her travel adventure as a spiritual pilgrimage. With her children grown and her being on her own, she says, “I’m not living my life for my children anymore. I’m not living my life for my spouse anymore. I’m the only one left. I’m the last one in the nest, and so now it is time to nurture me, and to find me.” She says her adventure is helping her to discover her authentic self. 

She wanted to get out and explore and experience the world, and that’s what she’s doing. Melissa explains that living a vanlife allows her to spend most of her time in nature. She says, “I feel like I’m living with spirit when I’m out here. I’m less impacted by billboards and commercials on TV.” She feels like she is truly an open channel for all the beautiful and clear information coming from spirit. She’s where the magic happens. 

For all the gifts she has to offer, Melissa says she especially loves when she hears from people who are inspired by what she’s doing, by those who see the adventure she is on and think I can do that too. Melissa’s vanlife experience is a call to action for anyone who has been yearning for adventure, whether the journey is big or small. 


Saying Yes to What Comes Calling


Following a Different Beat