Her Saving Grace

You could say Deanna Hansen, founder of Fluid Isometrics™ and Block Therapy™,  was destined to be a healer. As a child, the youngest of three girls, she took on the archetypal roles of caregiver and mediator. Eventually, she became an open pathway, understanding what was being asked for and trying to fill those needs, keeping things in flow. It’s no surprise then that when first asked to explain her success with her bodywork, Deanna responded that she was just following the path of least resistance.

While true, her response didn’t satisfy the other therapists who had contacted her, attracted to her work by the positive results she was achieving with her clients. The need to explain her intuitive energy work using traditional language caused her to slow down and dive into her process, to explore what was really happening. Along the way, Deanna came to see that she was following a pattern, the Fibonacci sequence, a pattern that is observed in nature. She explains that while we age by that pattern, her work has demonstrated that it is possible to bring life back to the areas affected by the aging.

It was during a low point in her life, in the midst of a panic attack that her unique process surfaced. It is often said that the best healers are not only empaths but those who have faced their own challenges and confronted their own shadows. This is certainly true of Deanna. She describes herself as an empath who has had to deal with the depression and empathic heaviness and burden that often accompanies those folks. In addition, as a young adult, she took to partying and drinking to the point of blacking out. Today, Deanna is thankful for these experiences because she knows it was that young woman, the one who was a mess, that has allowed her to become who she is today, doing the work she does now.

It was until her late 30s that Deanna really began to explore that period of her life. She was especially curious about what happened to her when she was in a blackout state, knowing that she wasn’t completely unconscious. She wondered where she went during those spells, believing that she went somewhere. Her meditation led her to understand that at those moments, she was tapping into the different energies that were coming up, and she knows it was those energies that seeded her work.

Deanna believes the universe has had her back throughout her journey. If it weren’t for the challenging periods, she would not have the wisdom and understanding she has now. She would not have developed her own method for healing the body. Today, she not only has a healthy body, but a healthy perspective as well. She does not view mistakes as mistakes, but instead as helpful guideposts leading her to where she is meant to be.

Things might have come easy for her; she might have skated through her teens and 20s without difficulty but she didn’t, and she’s grateful for it. Because of her work, people come to her when they are having a healing crisis. Not only does Deanna want to help them heal, she wants to create a safe space for her clients to open up and share their stories if they like. This is where Deanna’s past experiences allow her to shine. She operates with transparency, compassion and nonjudgment, openly sharing her own challenges with her clients, knowing that this allows them to do the same. There is no place for shame or guilt in her program, only honesty, acceptance and healing.

Despite having had the support of family, friends and colleagues along the way, Deanna has had to step into her truth and hold to it. There were those who believed in her, in her purpose and mission, but thought her vision was too big, too beyond the status quo to pull off. Later, there were those who discouraged her from sharing her personal story with the world. Again, Deanna had to honor her truth. She says of her early days in building the business, “I was naively excited to believe that everybody would want to know this.” Being hypersensitive, she recoiled when others said it couldn’t be done. However, she never considered giving up. While she hadn’t planned to become an entrepreneur, she was driven forward by her need to share her understanding of the human body, an understanding that she believes she was gifted.

Deanna admits that it has been a long, hard road to get the business to where it is now. Still, she says she wouldn’t have it any other way. Had it happened quickly, she says, the program would not have been able to maintain the level of integrity it has. And while the road has been tough at times, she has not had to go it alone. Not that many years ago, her nephew, Quinn, joined her, coming into the business straight out of high school. Today, he is VP of the company. Deanna says of her nephew, he has offered unwavering support and has always believed in our mission.

Deanna sees herself as having the perfect personality for making the business a success. She is hypersensitive, non-materialistic, and fully dedicated to her work. She says the business works for her too. She believes the challenges she faced when she was younger were due to her being extreme in nature. She credits her work with allowing her to get on with her life. In fact, she doesn’t like to think of where she would be without it. She knows what can happen if she gets bored or if she’s not held accountable to something important. She says it is her work that has been her saving grace.

            In fact, she feels good about the future of the business and looks forward to bringing healing to where it is needed. As for what is happening currently with the Covid-19 crisis, Deanna says she was not surprised by its arrival. She was aware for years that something big was coming. She believes we are going through a process of tearing down old ideas, of what was, so that we can create space for building something new. She credits some of her ability in being able to read the current energies with her deep connection to the Hindu Goddess Kali. Deanna was born on the 13th of the month and Kali is the 13th Hindu Goddess.

Despite the current crisis, Deanna is hopeful that we will find our way to the other side of this and the outcome will be positive. She sees herself and her work as a bridge, leading people from their previous ways of understanding and treating the body to new ones. These days, she is not dwelling in the negative. She is fully focused on what is emerging both in her work and for the world. Her latest book Unblock Your Body is just about to be published, and she is extremely excited that this year her company will be launching the Block Therapy Academy for Kids. The academy will give children the chance to not only learn about their bodies but to heal them from a fascia perspective. It will give them the chance to learn what they are capable of doing. Deanna says this: “They’re already indigo kids. They’re already brilliant beyond belief, but they’re locked away in their physical bodies. So, when they start to open up and they combine that frequency that they were born into with the space that will get created through this journey, we will have little geniuses here to fix the problems we’ve created.”

Talk to Deanna and you are sure to catch her excitement for our children and their abilities and for our future world. Her enthusiasm bubbles over. Clearly, she is bringing the light to where it is needed.

By Karen Helene Lizon, M. F. A.

Karen Helene Lizon, M.F.A.  is a writer, transformation mentor and story-shifter who helps others to create the life transformations they long for by up-leveling narratives and transcending limitations. She is a passionate creative, who guides others to tap into their sacred creativity. Using various techniques, including spirit writings, she helps others to expand their awareness and bring forth their inner spark. A born empath, Karen Helene has always felt drawn to empowering those who are struggling to find their own voices and tell their own stories. Her mission is to serve the greater good.

She can be reached by email at:  onefoundfeather [at] gmail [dot] com

or contacted through her website at:  https://www.karenlizon.org, where you can sign up for her newsletter and find information about her workshops and courses.


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Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Three