Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Three

Looking through Silver Glass
Week Three 2022

This week we have a Master 11 Day, and Power Day, on 1.22.2022.  I will be hosting a Global Activation Circle on Zoom at 11:11am mountain time on Saturday.  I will send the Zoom link to my Frequency mailing list.  If you would like to register, simply join my frequency list on my home page lisamgunshore.com.  You will also receive a gift, my Indigo Flow Guide to Natural Detox.

Read about Master 11 Days HERE

The Full Moon energy has me alive with re-vitalized purpose.  After my Instagram LIVE with Denise Dryden last night, I dropped into a full moon salt bath and immediately the Sacred Council appeared with resources for this upcoming activation.

1.     We are invited to watch, Introduction to 11D, on my YouTube channel.

2.     There are two transmissions that contain information prevalent to this week’s energy flow.  I am sharing two excerpts for the public.  You can read the entirety of these transmissions in ajatakasa. 

May 2020 

Our ancestors are asking us to step into our future to help birth a new destiny for the planet.  Let’s accept their invitation.  Look forward 10 years, 20, maybe 100 years.  Look to your future.  What is it that you are creating?  What is your current trajectory?  I have read Tarot cards for over 20 years because I learned from the beginning that looking ahead will give you an idea of where you may make a wrong turn.  If you can see what you are creating, then you can make the changes to create the future you dream of. 

Time is not linear.  It does not exist in a 5th dimensional (and beyond) timeline.  Instead, small spirals of DNA are swirling in light fractals.  We ride this DNA.  It feels as though the roller coaster takes us up and down.  But we are always headed upwards towards ascension.  We are swirling and shifting in alternate realities, different lifetimes, and other planetary dimensions.  You exist in this reality on a timeline.  That timeline is headed somewhere.  I encourage you to look at where you are headed and ask the question; what is the timeline that is the highest of my soul’s potential?  What timeline reveals the purist form of my Spirit?  If you are not on that timeline; GET OFF THE RIDE.  You can still switch lanes.  In the words of Led Zeppelin; there are two paths you can go by but there is still time to change the road you are on.

June 2021/January 2022

‘As we have said for many months, the pandemic of 2020 was only the beginning – the catalyst if you will – of the transformation of man on planet Earth.  We have also spoken of ‘waves of ascension’ in which activations are taking place on the planet to awaken the consciousness of individuals and collective groups of energy.  We wish to speak more on this topic now.  The planet Earth resides in a galaxy that you call the Milky Way.  This galaxy is an electro-magnetic field operating in a circular or spiral pattern known as a toric field.  The Torus is the blueprint for all life forms, all bodies of energy.  This is true from the smallest of your creatures to entire galaxies and star systems.  Your solar system is located on what is known as the ‘Orion Arm’, approximately 27,000 light years from the Galactic Core.  The Pleiades Star System is in the constellation you call Taurus, approximately 410 light years from Earth.  Our Central Sun, the Central Sun of Pleiades, is called Alcyon.  The Pleides Star System is a toric field like that of your solar system and the Milky Way Galaxy – and so on as all systems are represented by this sequence of spiral arms known as the Fibonacci.  This information gives context to the ascension waves or shifts of collective consciousness.  You will find photon belts in each galaxy.  Your science describes this as stars that are collapsing.  This is not entirely true.  A photon is a particle of quantum light.  A photon belt is a collective of quantum light.  While your science describes these light particles stars, radiation, electromagnetics etc. – we can assure you that these are much more.  A photon belt is a living collective of information.  When a system collapses, the event is a merging of collective consciousness.  Some systems have obliterated themselves only to start anew in a new system.  Other systems have merged into their source consciousness and are now moving to a new system to start their creation process over again.  Your science refers to these collapses as black holes, star collapses, and planetary explosions.  This is the case in form and matter only.  In Truth the consciousness of the system has shifted in a way that it must create elsewhere.  When these systems collapse, move, or transition; the collective consciousness will place information into these quantum light particles known to you as photons.  Within Earth’s many cycles, there have been civilizations that have left their energetic mark on the planet.  Even when the civilization no longer existed, you can find its remnants.  Ancient Egypt is one example.  Atlantis is another.  These systems, with high vibrational frequencies, are not to be forgotten.  Whilst the history of your planet remains distorted, the energy of this history cannot be erased.  The reason this information is important currently is due to Earth’s current trajectory and its connection to the Pleiades Photon Belt.  It is true that planet Earth is in a 2000-year (your timeline) cycle in which it is in alignment with the photon belt that surrounds Alcyon.  Due to this, you are accessing information from the photon belt.  This information is an activation of memories from these civilizations, inactive DNA inside your physical forms, and a frequency change of the planet Herself.  It is this information that explains the basis of our discussion regarding waves of ascension.  You see, the ascension waves are an activation of quantum light particles or photons that contain information regarding your planet.  The history of the planet in a pure form is accessible during this time if one is to look for it.  Activation of your genetic structures is occurring for all sentient beings including Mother Earth Herself.  It is those of you who connect with the transmissions via conduits on the planet that will receive the greatest benefit for it is only through the conscious understanding of how our systems work that you will access the information in its entirety.  However, all beings are accessing this quantum light no matter their understanding.  It is affecting the planet and surrounding systems as it has for eons.’ 

This information is adequate for one to gain understanding of the activation of light and memory in your subtle bodies.

‘While this may feel like a time of darkness for some, it is quite the opposite.  The quantum light particles increase greatly during this time.’

We bring this to the attention of those in the collective that are drawn to the Sacred Council, the Pleiades, and the frequency of 174, 528, and 741; as well as 111, 444, and 1212.

Light is increasing across the planet, the pace becoming more rapid.  Your ability to activate light in your subtle body is coming from the stars, the Suns, individuals that cross your path, film, imagery, nature, and specific locations you are drawn.

Your experiences on Earth were once thought to be linear.  One might have accessed their ‘past life’ through a meditation or direct experience with a location your soul once walked.  In this NOW time, an individual can access ALL life involvements for Soul as a hologram, experiencing a multi-dimensional activation of Soul memory.  This can be defined as awakening, recapitulation, or as we see it:

Awareness of the multi-dimensional reality of Soul via memory-activation through the photon belt and reception of DNA light codes.

Week Three of 2022 is producing significant upgrades due to light expansion on the planet.  It is up to us to hold this light.  Friday I will share a new transmission from the Sacred Council and together, we will hold frequency for the planet.



Her Saving Grace


Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Two