Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Two

Looking Through Silver Glass
Week Two 2022

Mercury Retrograde Begins Friday January 14, 2022
16 Degrees Capricorn (Vedic)
Element Earth

Mercury is retrograde this coming Friday in the sign of Capricorn at 16 degrees and the Sun also enters Capricorn.  This affects government and economy.  The Sun in Capricorn generates intensity around attainment.  Mercury in Capricorn brings mental clarity around your goals.  Because Mercury is retrograde in this sign, you can expect that you will be driven to finish projects or achieve goals that have lingered from the past.  You will be driven to succeed in whatever you do.  We have been in the pre-shadow for a little over a week.  Take a moment and make some notes in your journal:

What presented this past week from your past?
What do you feel compelled to complete?
Where are you in relation to your money, your country’s economy?

We can expect changes to come in government and economy and they are already presenting.  The Supreme Court’s decision about vaccine mandates lands tomorrow and this will create a ripple effect.  In addition, King Soopers employees are striking here in CO beginning Wednesday.  This is important because, when I looked at the energy and my cards, what I saw is this is just the beginning of companies, organizations, groups, and ordinary citizens taking a stand for Freedom this year.   

Princess Mee

 This year, I am going to be sharing in this weekly guide about myself and my relationship with spirituality beginning at a young age.  These are things I have not shared with the public until now.  It is my Scorpio nature to keep tender pieces of my spirituality private.  I have been prompted now to begin opening as it may activate those of you out there who resonate with me.

Princess Mee is my most treasured poem in; The Adventures of Tom Bombadil by JRR Tolkien.  I have had the book since I was a small child.  Princess Mee is a prompt to look at the Supreme Consciousness within.  It is also one of the many synchronicities that led to my naming this guide, Looking Through Silver Glass.  I found an incredible mind map online about this poem so rather than diving too far down a rabbit hole, I will share the reference link at the end of this guide.  For me, this poem reminds me of the Star in the Tarot and is inspiration for me as I have felt much like Mee since I was a young girl.  Living in one world, while looking upon another.  It is connected to Purusha and Prakriti, the Witness and the Observer.  I trust you will be as inspired when you read it.

Little Princess Mee
Lovely was she
As in elven-song is told:
She had pearls in hair
All threaded fair;
Of gossamer shot with gold
Was her kerchief made,
And a silver braid
Of stars above her throat.
Of moth-web light
All moonlit-white
She wore a woven coat,
And round her kirtle
Was bound a girdle
Sewn with diamond dew.

She walked by day
Under mantle grey
And hood of clouded blue;
But she went by night
All glittering bright
Under the starlit sky,
And her slippers frail
Of fishes' mail
Flashed as she went by
To her dancing-pool,
And on mirror cool
Of windless water played.
As a mist of light
In whirling flight
A glint like glass she made
Wherever her feet
Of silver fleet
Flicked the dancing-floor.

She looked on high
To the roofless sky
And she looked to the shadowy shore;
Then round she went,
And her eyes she bent
And saw beneath her go
A Princess Shee
As fair as Mee:
They were dancing toe to toe!

Shee was as light
As Mee, and as bright;
But Shee was, strange to tell,
Hanging down
With starry crown
Into a bottomless well!
Her gleaming eyes
In great surprise
Looked upon to the eyes of Mee:
A marvellous thing,
Head-down to swing
Above a starry sea!

Only their feet
Could ever meet;
For where the ways might lie
To find a land
Where they do not stand
But hang down in the sky
No one could tell
Nor learn in spell
In all the elven-lore.

So still on her own
An elf alone
Dancing as before
With pearls in hair
And kirtle fair
And slippers frail
Of fishes' mail went Mee:
Of fishes' mail
And slippers frail
And kirtle fair
With pearls in hair went Shee!
By JRR Tolkien

Reformation of Death

One of the projects I am working on this year is the reformation of death.  As Gandalf says, ‘Death is not the end’.  And this is very true.  As a Medium, I have been driven to understand what death really is.  It was at the end of 2020 that I began to experience transitions of souls who have passed away.  My intention is to begin to share them, although that has not been easy with all else happening around me.  This is the first transition I have documented. 

Frank’s Transition

I am lying in a hospital bed. I have been here for a few days now. I thought I would go home the first day. I didn’t feel well but not sick enough to be in here. My back is sore. I feel tired. It is difficult to breathe. This cold really hit me hard. I feel dizzy. I want to call my daughter. My cell phone is sitting on my food tray to my left. I reach out for the phone. There are tubes pulling at my armpit. Suddenly the light is very bright. Who turned the light on? I can’t see my phone. I try to feel for it. I feel very tired. I see my favorite chair in my living room. I think I’ll go sit down. I sit down and place my hands on the arms of the chair. They are worn on the edges. I lay back to sleep. My mom is shouting. I know it is time for school and I am late. I jump out of bed. I am searching everywhere for my favorite pants. 

My name is Frank. I was estranged from my wife for quite a time before I left this world. I regret not loving her the way I could have. I wanted to call my daughter. I wanted to tell her that I loved her. What happened with me, and her mother does not represent how I feel about her. I found my dog. I found my favorite fishing spot when I was a kid.




Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Three


Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week One