Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week One

Triple Goddess of Relationships

And so, begins 2022.  When we look at the numbers, the three 2’s cannot be ignored.  The number two correlates to RELATIONSHIP.  The frequency of relationship is magnified three times by these three 2’s in our current year.  The most potent energy, when I think of three’s, is the triple Goddess.  Triple Goddess is traditionally known as the maiden, the mother, and the crone.  It appeared to me as; the not yet awakened, the Seeker, and the Wise One.  I’d like to invite us to inquire as to our relationship with these three archetypes in week one of the new year.  Are you newly awakened?  Are you currently gaining knowledge in all things esoteric?  Are you a master, refining your knowing?

Awakening continues across the planet.  More and more individuals become aware of esoteric teachings, galactic knowledge, and understanding of quantum reality.  As we begin this year it feels important that we check in with ourselves and identify where we are in this cycle.  Take a few minutes this week to ask the questions and journal your thoughts.  As Truth reveals itself in the narrative; what will surprise you?  What do you already know? 

Pre-Shadow of Mercury Retrograde

This week begins the pre-shadow of Mercury Retrograde.  During this time, we want to notice what challenges and new opportunities arise in our communication.  Because we are in a 6 year, with emphasis on relationships AND Venus Retrograde, take note of communication in relationships.  Past loves may return, some relationships may dissolve, and you may be presented with new relationships.  Keep track in your journal of what arises.  The energies that appear during this cycle are what you will actively work through during Mercury Retrograde when it begins on January 14th.

M11 Day

Tuesday January 4th is an M11 day.  You can read about Honoring the Master 11 Day on my blog.  This is our first of 35 M11 days in 2022.  Spend time on Monday creating an intention for this first Master day.


As I intuit the future of 2022, I find myself concerned about the heaviness and challenges that the year presents.  The support I received from my Spirit Team is a call to EXPERIENCE rather than CONTROL.  The image that they show me is that of a man.  He is standing in the center of a very busy scene and yet, he is still while all else moves around him.  We are being shown that our best way of managing the emotional instability of our world is to stay centered.

“Hug a tree, and one day you will come to know that it is not only that you have hugged the tree but that the tree also responds, the tree also hugs you.  Then for the first time you will be able to know that the tree is not just about the form, it is not just a certain species the botanists talk about, it is an unknown God – so green in your courtyard, so full of flowers in your courtyard, so close to you, calling you again and again.” Osho

Do not just be still in your world.  Do not just be present.  Become your world.  Become the stillness.  Become the Truth.



Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Two


Pillars of Fire and Light