Pillars of Fire and Light

September 2021


Pillars of Fire and Light


We have made it to the month of September 2021.  This month represents a pause in the timelines.  This is the point in the asana in which the yogi receives a water break, rest from the intensity of the flow, and a deep cleansing breath before she dives into the deeper portion of the flow.  How you manage your frequency these first few days of September will set the tone for the rest of the month. 


On September 4th and 5th, the Cosmic Kite is in our sky.  This astrological influence is distinct and invites us to rise above and gain perspective.  It reminds me of the meaning of hot air balloon from the Psychic Circle board.  Hot air balloons send messages of ascension in spiritual form.  They invite us to rise above any situation and see it from a 10,000-foot view.  Balloons also represent a need to let go.  They tell us we are no longer tied down.  On these key dates, when we are influenced by the cosmic kite, keep the hot air balloon in mind.  Take time to untie your strings and release to the flow of the cosmos.  Gain elevation in your conscious mind and see things from a new perspective.


The second week of September we step into the pre-shadow of Mercury Retrograde.  Take note of the patterns and gifts that present to you from the New Moon on September 6th until Mercury Retrograde begins on September 26th.  The patterns that show themselves to you are what you will actively heal during the retrograde season.  The gifts that arise within you will be claimed during the season as well.


September 9th is a power day.  9-9.  Nines represent endings.  While this typically is a number for completion, the Sacred Council has shown me that September 9th will be a day to up level.  For all of you in the community, who have been working diligently on yourselves all year, this is a day for celebration.  It is also a day for the Divine Feminine and a focus on your personal power.


September 14th Neptune is closest to Earth all year.  This day could feel weepy.  You may feel like daydreaming, calling out of work, or watching a rom-com.  This can be a very mystical day if you allow for it.  It also marks a shift in the energy for the month.  As a natural halfway point, September 14th is also a turning point in which the energy intensifies now as we head towards October.


Our Full Moon on September 20th, followed by the Equinox on September 22nd, creates a powerful vortex.  September 22nd has been starred on my calendar for a few months now.  I do believe this is an important date and a sacred day for many of us.  The Equinox calls for us to find our balance.  We want this to be a focus beginning on the Full Moon and then leading into the Equinox with a carried intention through September 26th, our last 22 master day of the year. 


September will end with a call to action.  Many spiritual teachers are sharing the same insight.  We are going to be called upon as light warriors by September 28th and will want to remain strong through the remainder of 2021.  As I put together this month’s flow I heard:


‘It is time to rest.  Beginning in October we will be called upon as Pillars of Strength.’


Containment and Self-care are the focuses of September.  We are to draw our energy back to ourselves and create sacred space within our vessels in preparation for what is to come the remainder of 2021.  This is a time for rest, good clean food, and a focus on yourself.  We are not to scatter our energies across the planet.  Now is the time for sacred space.  We will be tested in the months to come beyond what we have already seen.  The test is our ability to be a port in the storm, a pillar of light and strength.   


‘The pillar of fire is the presentation of the unity of Brahma the Creator (the Sun), Vishnu the Preserver (Cosmic Waters), and Maheshwara Shiva the Dissolver (Fire).  The alchemy is the refining fire, bringing about transmutation of all elements.’ Tantric Dakini


Becoming a pillar of fire and light marks a turning point in the life of every cosmic soul who accepts the invitation.  Our kundalini awakens and illuminates our subtle bodies.  This is a time of great personal strength and revelation.  We enlighten those around us with our astral light.  We reflect our spiritual ideals in our actions and our way of living. 



Visionary.  Architect of the future.  Bridge to the unseen.  More than meets the eye.

Subtle reality.  Be the pioneer of your own life.  Automatic writing and intuitive drawing.  Be creative.



September is about letting go and shedding the old.  This has been a theme throughout the year.  As systems dismantle around us, we are called to let go of what no longer serves us.    While we are losing some things that we had become accustomed to; we are gaining new things.  The focus of the energy this month is on sharing with others, collaborating for success of the whole collective vs the individual.  This shows a coming together due to the loss of something valuable.  For those affected by the events of August, you will heal during this time and rise like the phoenix out of the ashes.  This month is about challenging tradition and non-conformity.  The water will rock.  Possible Tsunami.  Humanity will be asked to overcome their addictions and obsessive behavior.  The energy of this month is very mental.  Do not allow control energy to affect you.



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