maui’s reflection

It was November 2014, when I found myself seated on my couch, grappling with the aftermath of a miscarriage. The weight of grief had taken hold, leaving me swollen both physically and emotionally. The life narrative I had painstakingly woven no longer felt fitting; an urgent impulse to break free from this reality surged within me. I turned to my computer, embarking on a quest to secure employment opportunities on the enchanting island of Maui. These Hawaiian shores held a special place in my heart, having visited them sporadically during my childhood and adulthood. Remarkably, within a week, I found myself facing an interview. In just a few months, I secured a new position as a District Manager overseeing retail stores on the island of Maui.


Most of my belongings found new owners as I willingly relinquished them. I curated only the essentials, preparing for a cross-country expedition to the western edge of the United States. With resolve, I was prepared to relinquish the familiar life I had known in Colorado; the call of the islands was irresistible, and I heeded it. Placing my vehicle onto a vessel and boarding a plane myself, I voyaged towards Maui. My intent was to attain a sense of freedom, to unburden myself from the emotional baggage I had carried for so long.


However, shortly after my arrival on Maui, an internal unease began to stir within me. Despite the remarkable opportunity that lay before me, a sense of unhappiness persisted. I could no longer overlook the burgeoning discontent within. In my journal, I wrote, 'The very things I sought to leave behind, I carried in my baggage.' Clearer now, I recognized that the toxic connections and discomforting situations in my external world were, in truth, echoes of the toxic energy harbored within.


The Law of Polarity


The Law of Polarity is a concept often associated with various philosophical and spiritual systems, including Hermeticism and some interpretations of New Thought. It states that everything in the universe has two opposite poles or aspects, and these poles are not contradictory but complementary. In other words, there are dualities or polarities in existence that are interconnected and interdependent.


This law suggests that qualities or attributes that appear to be opposites are part of the same spectrum and are necessary for one another to exist. For example, light and darkness, hot and cold, love and hate, success, and failure—all these pairs are interconnected and define each other. The idea is that without one pole, the other would lose its meaning or significance.


The Law of Polarity encourages individuals to recognize that challenges, setbacks, or negative experiences are not entirely separate from positive experiences or opportunities for growth. Instead, they are part of a greater whole and provide contrast and context to the positive aspects of life.


By understanding and embracing the Law of Polarity, individuals can develop a more balanced and nuanced perspective, cultivating a greater sense of equilibrium and resilience in the face of life's ups and downs. It also encourages people to seek the positive aspects even within challenging situations and to recognize the potential for transformation and growth that exists in every circumstance.


According to the Law of Polarity, Maui, a place renowned for its elevated vibration and potent frequency portals, is bound to encompass profound contrasts. This island's allure and vibrancy are accompanied by a counterpart of considerable intensity. Regrettably, issues such as drug abuse and violence pervade its landscapes. A particularly unsettling reality is the unspoken presence of human trafficking on the Hawaiian Islands. This underbelly of darkness finds its counterpoint in the radiant essence of each hibiscus flower and the brilliance of every rainbow.




In Hawaiian culture, "mana" refers to a concept that encompasses spiritual energy, power, and life force. It's a term deeply rooted in the beliefs and practices of the indigenous people of Hawaii. Mana is considered a pervasive, unseen force that flows through all things and is an essential part of the natural world.


Mana is often associated with sacredness and is believed to be present in everything, from people and animals to plants, objects, and even places. It's a source of spiritual power that can be harnessed and cultivated through various means, including rituals, chants, prayers, and respectful interaction with the environment.


The concept of mana is closely tied to the idea of balance and harmony. A person or place with high mana is thought to possess a strong connection to the spiritual realm and is often respected or revered by the community. Conversely, places or individuals with low mana may be seen as disconnected or in disharmony.


In traditional Hawaiian culture, individuals with a deep understanding of spiritual practices, healing, and navigation were believed to have a higher level of mana. Chiefs, priests, healers, and skilled craftsmen were often attributed with greater mana due to their knowledge, skills, and connection to the divine.


The invitation from Maui's Mana urged me to begin unpacking my emotional baggage. The journey demanded grit—facing every facet of myself, both shadow and light. To initiate this transformative process, I had to identify the recurring patterns in my life. Among these patterns, one glaring example was my history of toxic relationships. Yet, beneath this, I discerned a deeper truth: the toxicity stemmed from a fractured relationship with myself. To progress, I needed to cultivate a healthier rapport with my own being. This expedition into self-discovery yielded profound shifts in my consciousness and unveiled long-buried childhood experiences, which were at the crux of my discomfort.


My pilgrimage to Maui had a distinct purpose: to serve as a mirror, reflecting my essence back to me. One cannot escape their inner struggles by geographical relocation alone. However, severing ties with the familiar surroundings that often enable distraction can expose the unvarnished truth we evade. In the solitude of self-exploration, evasion becomes impossible, and the essence of oneself must be confronted.




Pele is a prominent figure in Hawaiian mythology and is often revered as the goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes. She holds great significance in Hawaiian culture and is considered one of the most powerful and revered deities in the Hawaiian pantheon.


Pele is believed to reside in the fiery depths of the Kilauea volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. She is associated with volcanic activity and is both a creator and a destroyer. According to Hawaiian legends, Pele's eruptions and flows shape the land, creating new landscapes while also posing a threat to those who live near the volcanoes.


Hawaiian folklore is rich with stories about Pele's interactions with humans, including her romantic entanglements, conflicts, and journeys across the islands. She is often depicted as a passionate and tempestuous deity, capable of great acts of creation and transformation, as well as displays of fierce wrath.


Lahaina’s Invitation


On August 8, 2023, Lahaina suffered the ravages of wind and fire, leaving devastation in their wake. The Goddess Pele's demand for transformation echoed through a once radiant land now shrouded in ash and smoke. The somber billows of smoke on that fateful day mirrored the obscured intentions of corrupt politicians and veiled agendas that played a part in the downfall of Lahaina.


Regarding transformation, Osho poignantly states, "This is a moment to release deeply. Let any pain, sorrow, or challenge exist as it is, acknowledging its reality. It's akin to Gautam Buddha's experience when, after years of pursuit, he relinquished his quest, knowing that no more could be done. In that very night, he attained enlightenment. Transformation, like death, arrives in its own timing. It, too, transports you from one realm to another."


Maui's mirror continues to reflect what must be acknowledged for the sake of healing. Amidst the overwhelming specter of death and destruction that might otherwise compel us to avert our gaze, these are the moments to muster courage and confront reality. In fact, these moments beckon us to be resolute in our approach. As Iyengar astutely remarked, "Action is the dance of intelligence. Movement courses throughout the world. What our world requires is conscious movement, deliberate action."


The tattooed image of Maui’s reflection on my back serves as a perpetual reminder of the profound healing the island has bestowed upon my life. In gratitude for all that Maui has provided, I'm committed to promoting participation, inviting our community to engage in purposeful action, catalyzing a compassionate revolution in favor of our planet. Through this collective effort, we endeavor to transmute the shadows that linger over Lahaina into the radiant light of Gaia's grace.



Conscious Action Steps:


1.     Continue to share and post information on Lahaina on social media to perpetuate the algorithms.

2.     Donate.  I recommend these GoFundMe’s that go directly to families affected by the fire.

3.     Do your own work.  Reflect on the affect this story has on you.  Where are you being invited to transform?  What are you wanting to escape from?


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anger, fear, and loneliness