New Moon: Lucid Vision

Good Morning Diamond Beauties and Multi-Faceted Beings of Light,

It is September 17, 2020 and the Super New Moon. I chose to write in the date to help ground myself into the time of year it is. This idea of space and time has felt distorted most of this year for myself, and many of you who have shared in the community.

It is a funny thing; keeping track of time.
I’m starting to wonder, what is the point?

When I was a small child I saw shadowy figures in my doorway at night. I would run as fast as I could into my bedroom, jump onto the bed, and burrow under the covers. I found myself still doing that in my very first apartment at the age of 19. It was in my late twenties that I began to seek out an understanding of what I was seeing. In my thirties, I began to speak to these Spirits and share messages of loved ones lost to clients.

Over the past couple of months something has shifted in my awareness. What was once messages of reunions of loved ones and shares of their pain before death; now has new consciousness. I have begun to feel their transition. I can see their experience as they lose themselves to greater consciousness. The present moment becomes a memory and memories become present.

Each night we go to sleep and there is hope to dream. I dreamt this morning that I was having a conversation with my husband and mother-in-law while sitting at her kitchen counter. It all seemed so real and then my internal alarm went off and I awoke.

What if our transition is very much the same? …without the waking part.

The practice of Tibetan Shamanism includes a focus on the dream state. As we become lucid in our dreams, we also become lucid in life. The ability to awake in the dream state also gives us the ability to become lucid in our transition at death. Our ability to become conscious allows us to experience the transition and possibly even choose our next experience on Earth or beyond.

The New Moon is a time of darkness. The stars are bright in the sky; barring light pollution in our cities. It is in the darkness that we can feel our most intense fears. It is in the darkness that the essence of creation lives.

Today, for the New Moon, I invite you to become Lucid in your daily life. Notice what is happening at each moment. Take a look around. What do you see? There are subtle energies that perhaps you never noticed. Time may be different. Who are you today?

20/20 vision.
Clear seeing.

What you perceive is your reality.





Ascension Waves