Ascension Waves

Dear Ones,


Since the 11:11 gateway was activated in November 2019, there has been a wave of ascension that has rolled over and across Lady Gaia, our planet Earth. This first wave activated the Indigo Ray template on the planet.  As this ray was activated it turned on, or switched on, our ability to speak Truth and to stand in our sovereignty.  This is our right per the universal law of Free Will as human beings on the planet Earth. Indigo’s across the planet were switched on and stepped into their positions as the leaders of communicating the sacred mysteries and Truths of our multi-verse.  Within the leadership templates; sovereignty templates and the templates of the crowning of mother Mary or the Mary complex were also activated, and several portals were opened across the planet.  In addition, Ancient star gates were re-opened and ancient wisdom has been revealed to those who were seeking it and had previous experience with multi-dimensional reality in the current timeline.   Technology from the Atlantean timeline was also triggered during this shift and due to this, many leaders, teachers and carriers of the ancient mystery schools were able to utilize technology to begin communicating these teachings and sacred information across the planet.


We will begin the second wave of global ascension on July 7, 2020. This master day of 7-7 is a platform from which the first wave will dive in, or up, into deeper understanding of quantum reality. While the indigo template was activated in the first wave; the Lemurian (Marion) template will be activated in the second wave. This will trigger a shift across lady Gaia, our planet Earth that will deepen the desire in the first wave (currently awake) and awaken the desire in the second wave, to move towards a more plant-based and sustainable way of living and eating. With the crystal template activated, the crystal children of the planet will begin to hold the vibration of an ascended planet Earth just as the Indigos took their place in the first wave as the teachers and communicators of planet Earth. In the first wave many light workers, star seeds, empaths, and healers across the planet felt a sudden blossoming or birthing of community and a freedom and safety when sharing their messages from the divine.  However, this first wave has not yet begun to understand the numbers of beings on the planet that will connect in with their information and wisdom as we move into the second third and fourth waves of ascension.


This second wave will awaken masses multiplied to the hundredth denominator of the first or initial wave.  Human beings en masse will begin joining these collective communities of light across the globe.  While the second wave seeks out their chosen community; the first wave will be building rainbow bridges of light to each other.  Light communities across the globe will begin connecting to one another and creating their own Crystalline grid around the earth.  This will be a new grid of light built by sentient beings who understand the ancient teachings of the original star seeds that arrived on our planet earth many years ago.


Integration is key for the first wave at this time.  It is critical that Indigo’s who were activated in the first wave and brought up to speed; now integrate the information so they can step into their leadership position in a balanced way with clear understanding and neutral ego.


Integration happens thru these three steps:


1.             Research the teachings and teachers that were presented to you from 11-11-19 to June 30, 2020.  Understand their body of work and their overarching themes or messages.

2.            Practice Meditation and yoga, as well as listening to sound, to integrate the teachings at a cellular level.

3.            Write a clear vision of your individual mission and teachings to share.

There is no time to waste so act hastily but with focused intention.


The Collective of Golden Ankh and Merkaba Light.

Read the Entire Transmission in the Buddhist Biohacker Portal


New Moon: Lucid Vision


My Dream