special message from lisa february 2022

Have you found yourself thinking of your life recently?  

I have.  Over the past several months I have been contemplating the many talents I have used.  I graduated culinary school in 1998 and pursued a career in restaurant management.  That led to retail management and began a 20+ year career in fashion retail.  During my retail career I also followed His Holiness the Dalai Lama for 7 years and underwent 6 initiations, studied Contemplative Psychology at Naropa University, and learned about Vinyl collector art toys at Kidrobot.  New York, Miami, L.A., San Francisco and Las Vegas were cities I frequented during my 30’s.  Riding in cabs, wearing heels, and searching for the meaning of life.  It was also my 30’s that I experienced 2 major health crises that led to the purification of parasites, candida, and mold.  Understanding my genetic mutations, such as MTHFR, and how to manage my diet to heal neurological symptoms was my focus outside of my work.  Last, but not least, performing psychic medium readings and events also filled part of my time.

This is what I’ve been pondering; what has been the point?  

What was the point of studying Buddhism and volunteering for events where I felt so out of place?  Why did I have such a drive to heal my body through natural means?  What was the reason for all the 3am closings at retail stores folding clothes?  Why was I always doing too much, too soon?

Scattered does not begin to describe my energy.

This leads me to the purpose of my message today.

A dear friend of mine described my life perfectly – FRACTURED BEING.  For most of my life I have lived a split personality.  Operating in the matrix world with jobs enabling my co-dependency and struggling to be understood.  Parallel to this, I was performing readings, diving into transcendentalism, and chanting mantras while I cooked gluten free dinners.  There seemed to be an expectation that I kept my spirituality separate from my work.  I cannot place the expectations source.  It was natural for me, when I left retail, to continue to operate in a fragmented reality.  My psychic work was a focus, health was another focus.  There are so many things I have learned to do, become an expert at, that I was trying to do it all.

Then, the breakthrough happened.

I cannot be everything to everyone.

So, who the hell am I and what the hell does my heart really want?  What is my dharma?

It took a long time of going within to really go within.

I am filled with joy, and feeling light, when I share with you that I am a Functional Ayurveda and Empowerment Coach.  My work is focused on healing through Spiritual Practice (just like my book, Enlightenment Pie, BTW).  My culinary experience, deep understanding of functional testing, spiritual gifts, and love of Ayurveda have integrated into my practice.  All that I am, and all my passion, are now specializing as I work with women who have MTHFR, mold, parasites, candida, or mysterious illness, and want to heal through food as their primary medicine, with supplementation and herbs secondary.  Wellness coaching has replaced readings and ajatakasa is now the Buddhist Biohacker Portal with more resources than you can count to aid with spiritual development and self-healing.

Our journey to healing never ends, it simply unfolds.  However, there is one pivotal point where you feel very different than before.  Today is that day for me.  I am choosing to take all I have learned and honor it by holding space for you, my incredible community, to find your own healing, pattern release, vitality, and joy.



honoring the master 11 day


The Frequency of food