Dream Analysis via Email


Lisa is a lucid dreamer and has been studying dreams and offering dream analysis for over 20 years. With a gentle demeanor and a profound understanding of the subconscious mind, she assists individuals in exploring and deciphering the hidden meanings behind their dreams.

As a lucid dreamer, Lisa possesses the unique ability to become consciously aware within her dreams, allowing her to navigate and explore the dream world with intention and clarity. Her expertise in lucid dreaming enables her to guide others in achieving similar experiences, empowering them to gain control and awareness within their own dream landscapes.

Through 1:1 sessions, Lisa helps clients unlock the symbolism and messages embedded within their dreams. She emphasizes the importance of keeping dream journals to record and analyze dream patterns, themes, and recurring symbols, which serve as valuable insights into one's subconscious thoughts and emotions.

Using a combination of Jungian psychology, symbolism interpretation, and her personal experiences as a lucid dreamer, Lisa assists clients in unraveling the deeper meanings behind their dreams. She encourages individuals to explore the emotions evoked by their dreams, guiding them to understand how these subconscious messages can provide guidance, resolution, and self-discovery in their waking lives. With a warm and empathetic approach, Lisa continues to empower individuals to embrace their dreams as a powerful tool for self-exploration, healing, and personal transformation.

Lisa provides dream analysis via email.

Purchase this service $44

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