food allergies

It is very important to begin to understand what foods are serving you and what foods are not.  Most of us have food sensitivities and/or food allergies. There are foods that make our bodies bloat, foods that cause diarrhea and some foods that also make us feel strong or give us extra energy.  It is important to begin to build a relationship with your food.  By knowing what works for your body and what doesn't; you will begin to understand how to 'feed' your body properly and will eliminate the constant up and down cycle created by eating food that creates negative vibrations in your system.

Utilize the Food Sensitivity Tracking Template found on to track your eating habits and emotional triggers for thirty days.  This will support you in tracking what and when you are eating to better understand how food affects you physically and emotionally.  Begin to notice patterns of behavior; i.e. I was stressed so I ate a cookie, or I feel bloated each time I eat cheese.  Through food journaling you will begin to see how to change your diet to nurture your body vs. punish it.

There are many belief systems around nutrition and diet. Regardless of diet theories, it is important to begin to eliminate those foods that make you feel unwell.  There is a significant amount of people in the United States who have become Gluten and Dairy intolerant.  When working with individual clients I recommend eliminating these items from your diet completely in addition to allergy testing and supplement regimes.

If you can afford the testing for food allergies, I highly recommend it.  Obtaining accurate data about your body is the most precise.  However, if you keep a proper food journal you can save on testing and keep to a budget.  My recommendation is to have the blood work done through a Functional Medicine doctor or nutritionist.  

Spend time throughout the thirty days watching your behaviors and becoming aware of your physical body and its needs.  You will gain a much better perspective on what has been working for you and what you need to change.  The goal here is to come into relationship with your body and your food.  This relationship will empower you to nourish yourself.  Complete the following self-inquiry questions as you come to the end of your thirty-day tracking period.


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