forgiveness practice

The idea of forgiveness has come up many times in my sessions over the past month or so.  It is so important to come to a place of acceptance and forgiveness in relationships in order to release toxicity.  Because of this I wanted to share a Forgiveness Practice that I have used over the years.  It is very powerful and can assist you in clearing the toxic energy that comes with anger and resentment in relationships.

Sit in a quiet space and take some deep cleansing breaths.

Dear _________ (name one aspect of your life that requires forgiveness),
I love you.  Thank you for all that you are teaching me.
You have the power to heal yourself.

Please forgive my ancestors and me for all mistakes we have made in all lifetimes.
In order to receive your forgiveness I will serve unconditionally.
To anyone I have hurt in any lifetime, I deeply apologize.
Please forgive me.
To anyone who has hurt me in any lifetime, I offer complete forgiveness.

Then chant or sing repeatedly:

I forgive you
You forgive me
Bring love, peace and harmony

I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity

Join hearts and souls together
Love, peace and harmony
Om Shanti Om

Chant or sing sincerely from your heart for 15 minutes.

It is recommended that you do two 15-minute forgiveness practices each day.




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