mysterious illness

It was just over 5 weeks ago that I awoke with a terrible headache.  I felt dizzy and nauseous.  I thought; 'migraine'.  I took some Ibuprofen and went to work.  By lunch time the dizzy was worse and I couldn't process my thoughts.  I felt like I was unable to communicate or hold on to a thought.  I also felt weak in my body.  I normally am pretty strong but even pushing a door open was difficult.  I thought am I having a stroke?  My right side was particularly affected.

By the weekend the headache and dizziness was worse and I began to feel numb in my thighs and on my right side.  By the middle of the following week I could barely walk.  I was constantly checking my balance to see if I had a stroke or an MS attack.  Something was not right.

Two trips to the emergency room did nothing.  I was told everything was 'normal'.  This is not the first time that I have been through this.  Five years ago I was also told I was normal.  I came to find out I had 4 different species of parasites and 22 food allergies that were making me incredibly ill. 

I am very lucky to have the Functional Medicine Doctor that I do.  Five years ago it took me 2 months to find her and another 2 to get test results.  This time I was able to see her after 2 weeks of symptoms.  I had lost my ability to go to work and could barely move around or get out of bed.

While I am still waiting on a few test results; it turns out I was being attacked by toxic mold.  In fact, CIRS - Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome is the issue.  I had no idea about it but after reading about it I have come to see that many issues with my health; including 5 years ago, has come from this dysfunction.  I am very lucky to be getting better and better each day and to have the support that I need to get through this and heal.

Knowledge is power and the more information you can get about your own body the better.  I am baffled by the fact that Doctors are not doing simple blood tests to look at your immune and hormone functions.  The emergency room told me I was normal.  Additional blood panels done by my Functional medicine doctor came back showing my T4 was through the roof and was causing all kinds of issues in my body. 

If you have strange symptoms that are prolonged or are even new; I highly recommend reading about Toxic mold, candida and CIRS.  25% of the population have the genetics to be highly impacted by toxins.  That means 1 in 4 of us is struggling with health issues and possibly receiving the wrong treatment for hormones, thyroid etc.  You have to remove the toxins from your body and your environment.

For me, this process was incredibly intense and scary and there were times where I knew I might not make it.  It was my spiritual practice and spiritual support system of healers that helped guide me through this.  My Buddhist practice kept me going through dark nights where I felt suicidal.  My spiritual healers supported me in ways from cleaning my house and buying me groceries to energy healings and guidance.

For the past 10 years I have been reading clients all over the world and helping them with their life.  My journey became intertwined with my desire to heal my health and to lose weight.  The result has been complete physical purification due to knowledge that was revealed over the last 5 years, the loss of 100 pounds and counting, and a stronger connection to my Faith, the Gurus, God, the Source.

I am so grateful every day that I am able to heal.  I know that there are many of you suffering out there who can heal as well!  My spiritual practice is a vehicle to heal, purify and become one with your Self and I believe it is directly linked to the physical experience.  We are in a body after all? 

If you are settling for being okay, or handling your weight, or dealing with symptoms - DON'T SETTLE!  You can make the shift!  And when you do a whole new world will open up for you.  It has for me and it continues.

I don't want you to suffer alone.  My mission is to support those who have the desire to heal and find answers to support you and to help you understand and get through the difficult moments that come with purifying your life.


anger, fear, and loneliness

