Princess Leia was a Diplomat

I began channeling in 2005.  I read the book, Opening to Channel, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer.  During this time, I was obsessively reading every book I could find on spiritual development.  I was learning meditation, reading Nostradamus’ quatrains, and pouring over books on mysticism and the occult.  I was seeking to understand my own experiences.  Why did I see shadowy figures standing in my doorway at night before I went to sleep?  Why was I having prophetic dreams?  My desire to unlock the keys to the universe consumed me.  When I read Opening to Channel, I was inspired.  I knew that I had spirits guiding me and I was determined to connect directly with them for answers. 


I practiced every day and into the wee hours each night.  My home office was painted red.  I spent hours painting that room.  The trim was painted gold and so was my door.  I hand-painted Egyptian hieroglyphs on the wall and hung an antique chandelier above the large oak desk that housed my cards and crystal balls.  My office was fabulous and epic.  It was in that office that I would sit until 2 or even 3 in the morning attempting to channel my spirit guides.  All of my practice paid off.  One evening, as I giggled with my dear friend, Aksun suddenly came through my body. 


His first words; Trust heart, not mind.  Always seek shelter in heart.


Powerful words from a master.


For two years following this moment I channeled Aksun almost daily.  He became my friend and my wisdom teacher.  He shared many teachings on multi-dimensional reality, health, and the planet.  My path from that time to present feels like lifetimes and hundreds of chapters in my book of life.  In fact, I have written one book and am finishing my second now.  It will take a few more books to cover all that I learned from 2005 to present day.  My journey has been as epic as my red office.


While I have channeled via writing all these years and keep my team close by my side; a distinct shift occurred in 2020.  Aksun and my team of spirit guides were joined by a new group.  This group identified themselves as the Collective of the Golden Ankh and Merkaba Light.  I worked with them for several months when they shifted again to the Sacred Council of Light.  This Council has been integral in the direction of my work this past 12 months.  I have been asked to stay out of the narratives that are being presented and to focus on Buddhist Biohacker and our stand against violence.  I left mainstream social media and created my own social media app free from the censorship and algorithms.  Most importantly, my app is a space for authentic connection.  Through this experiment, I have observed how difficult it can be to post without validation.  Our minds have been entrained to post for affirmation of our identity.  To share ourselves authentically in a social community without attachment to the outcome makes us vulnerable.  Many have not been up for the challenge.  However, over 550 people have to date.  The ajatakasa app is flourishing and the content is rich and delightful.  I look forward to opening up my community every day and seeing the beauty and light that exists inside this sacred container.


Let’s get to the point.


There has been an internal struggle.  A battle of mind and heart.  I do not like what is happening in the world.  I do not agree with the censorship and the lies.  It is in my nature to distrust the system and to operate outside of the norm.  I am alternative music not pop.  For seven years I did not own a television.  You would not find me at a water cooler discussing the latest bachelorette.  It’s just not me.  I’ve been asking myself since March of 2020 – am I chicken shit for not speaking out against the narrative?  What do I stand for?  What am I really doing here?  But then there is wise old Aksun and his words – trust the heart, not the mind.


Once again, I have begun the focused and disciplined journey that is trance-channeling.  And a few weeks ago, I was able to bring the Sacred Council of Light into my body to speak.  The Sacred Council is a committee formed in the Pleiades to manage diplomatic relations between species across our galaxy and beyond.  They are working in many systems to bring together species that appear hostile with benevolent beings.  They operate in a sixth density but there are some on this committee that operate in dimensions up to the 11th.  The Council recognizes that there are positively polarized beings within every species.  To say that reptilians are bad is simply not true.  This is comparable to stating that all humans are bad.  This is also not true.  There are egocentric beings in every species, just as there are compassionate beings in every species.  This council has chosen to work with us, the ajatakasa community, because they see the potential for this community to hold the frequency of compassion and universal love.  You see, love is the only solution for our planet, galaxy, and universe…and beyond.


My heart lies with the Sacred Council and the altruistic philosophies of my guru, His Holiness the Dalai Lama.  I see now how I have been training for this moment all of my life.  The gift of initiation from my guru HHDL is the seed of Bodhicitta he planted and watered in my six trips to see Him.  The Bodhicitta is the vision of the council and the key to our ascension.  We must love one another.  We must love the bad and the good.  Even Luke had compassion for Darth Vader in the end.  It is the only way. 


I am part of this committee and have committed to assist in diplomatic relations here on our planet Earth.  In fact, we are all part of this committee now simply by being in the ajatakasa container.  It is our willingness to love that brings us together.  Our humility and authenticity are the gateway to ascension.  I don’t know about you, but I am a gen x gal and I wanted to be Princess Leia every year for Halloween.  Guess what, we are HER!  We are all part of the rebel force that is fighting for the force to overcome the dark side.  And much like Star Wars, the moment of grace did not come from the Death Star’s glorious explosion.  Grace came through the compassion Luke was able to show his father in the end, the return of Han Solo when everyone thought he left with only the money, and the love of the rebels who came together as one to fight for a cause they believed in.


For me, my mission is not to tell you what conspiracy theory is true or who to vote for.  My mission is to be an advocate for non-violence, to spread love for ultra-terrestrials, and to hold this container for us to laugh and connect as one.




Full Moon August 2021


Guide June 28-July 4, 2021