the spider

Creation.  What do you create?  When you look back at 2009; what did you create last year?  What was the energy of your 2009?  What do you want 2010 to be?  What are you creating in these early moments of the year? Yes, that’s correct…YOU CREATE EVERYTHING.  In the true spirit of creation I have chosen the focus of 2010 to be the ‘Year of the Spider’.  The Spider is one of the most beautiful totems.  Spiders are elegant, beautiful, complex.  They carry eight legs and their body is shaped like an eight…infinity; representing the limitless possibilities of the Universe and the great Maha Shunya or the ‘Great Void’.  They spin webs.  Creating beautiful and intricate spirals of color and light.  The Spider holds the energy of the feminine, the Goddess; of creativity, thoughts and ideas.  Spiders represent beauty and fear, danger and grace within their small bodies and their ever-expansive webs. 

We too, spin a web.  We spin the web of life, illusion, maya.  What kind of web is up to us.  The sticky, dark, damp web similar to that of Shelob’s lair is much different in comparison to the elegant strings that taught us acceptance of others in Charlotte’s web.  Each action, each word, each choice in our life is one strand connecting us to the next experience.  When we choose to create from a space of Love and Acceptance; Trust and Grace, we begin to spin a web of light.  It brings new experiences, connections and ‘happenings’ into our lives with a beautiful synchronicity.  When we ‘react’ from our egos and our minds we tend to spin a web full of sticky goo that bonds us to karma, drama and unconscious acts.


Ask yourself; what am I creating?  What web am I spinning?  And who am I inviting into my web?

By choosing to take responsibility for your actions…for your ‘creations’; there is clarity.  The curtain begins to lift on the play that is your life and you suddenly ‘see’ what role you have been playing.  There may be an energy of discomfort as you go through this process.  This is only natural.  It brings you to a space where you begin to ask; how can I ‘unspin’ my web of illusion?  How do I make conscious changes that will clear the ‘stickiness’ from my space?  As simply as a spider builds their web; you can dismantle yours.  It is done one segment at a time.  Taking each small piece of your life that is stuck, thick or gooey and transforming it into a strand of light; through contemplation and conscious acts. 


As the elegance of the spider carries the energy of Creation; she also carries the energy of the Feminine and the Goddess.  As we move from the Paternal energies of the past decades into a maternal space we will find our connection to the yin, the feminine, is ever present in our daily lives.  The yin is the receptive.  She carries the energy of patience, self-care and fertility.  She holds the energy of Spring, when the Earth begins to blossom and the fertile ground begins to awaken from its long winters sleep.  This year is learning to receive the abundance that has been given to us; to ‘hold’ the energies that we share with others.  The compassionate and unconditional energies of the Great Mother Goddess will be sure to touch us all in 2010 and bring us closer to ourselves.


And so we move into another year.  This year is filled with Hope, Light, Grace, Acceptance, Trust and Patience.  For some there will be leaps of Faith and for others; letting go.  We will learn how to build relationships, create openings for new beginnings; find creative ways to dissolve the past and build for our future.  We will be challenged, as always, to live for our highest good.  We will learn lessons.  We will be brought the ‘unexpected’.  We will surrender all that we thought we knew.  Some questions will go unanswered and others will be revealed.  We will take on new identities and tear down the walls of our old ‘Selves’.  As the wheel of maya spirals around you and as time itself speeds up; remember to take a moment to remember the spider and to take control of the web you weave in 2010. 


stairway to heaven


Go in, not up: Celebrating our human experience