Go in, not up: Celebrating our human experience

In December, I have had the opportunity to reflect upon the year of 2020 in linear time. I recall standing in the grocery store looking across the lines of panicked patrons with loaded carts. There was fear and confusion. I, on the other hand, stood in wonder and awe. Could this be it? Could this be the great awakening? For many of us who have been on a spiritual path for years now; we have been waiting for this time. You know who you are. You knew you were here for a greater purpose. You were bored with your matrix job and your mundane life. You may have already left this behind and are teaching yoga, facilitating workshops, or being creative in whatever way works for you.


March 2020 brought with it a call to action for many of us. For me, the call to action was to create a resource of Light. At the time I wasn’t even sure what that meant. I trust my spirit team and their messages. I did not question this assignment. I immediately emailed the spiritual teachers that I have trusted for decades. I asked for their help. I knew that we needed to hold space for anyone who needed it during those first two weeks of quarantine. And so, we got together and held healing circles, gave presentations, and lead shamanic journeys.  One week turned to two weeks, turned to a second summit, a third and then a fourth. By November 2020 we had over 300 hours of content on a YouTube channel birthed this year. I had met and interviewed more healers than I’ve known in a lifetime. We did create a resource of light. That resource is now known as the light library and this video gallery exists on the ajatakasa Institute website. Yes, we also created a website (or two, or four). I founded the Institute, produced a documentary, took a podcast that had never been aired to 150 episodes and over 5000 downloads in the first six months.  It doesn’t end there. In fact, this journey has only just begun.


2020 has been a build of community. Our community has brought together healers, teachers, and leaders in the spiritual realms. Now that we have connected it is time for us to gather the rest of our community. Our community is made up of many different people and energies. You do not have to be advanced.  You do not have to know it all.  You simply have to commit to non-violence and compassion.  You have to have an open mind, independent thought, and creativity sparked from the heart center.


For me 2020 was an incredible year. It was the year that I said yes. I said yes to myself.  I said yes to my spirit team. I said yes to each and every person in our community – today, tomorrow, or decades from now. I worked so many hours and yet it didn’t matter.  I was doing what I love. I have created more from a place of excitement and wonder and joy in the past 12 months then I have created in my entire life.  Everything I dreamed of doing was not only achievable, but all it required was for me to do it.  That sounds simple but it wasn’t. It took me 41 years to say yes.


Those who know me could argue that I always say yes.  Sometimes I’ve said yes when I shouldn’t. Sometimes I over commit.  I’ve traveled places when I didn’t know how to pay for it. I’ve gone to see my Guru without even knowing how I would get there. Somehow it just always worked out. I believe it worked out because I trust spirit with all my heart and soul. I just have never doubted a message from beyond. But there were many things that I said no to. I didn’t think I could accomplish something so I wouldn’t try. I wouldn’t experience abundance because I wasn’t willing to do the work. I didn’t want to go the extra mile. I was afraid. Those are real human things. But in 2020 I said yes. I said yes to having functional boundaries, so I had the creative energy to build content for the collective. I said yes to collaborating with others even if it was difficult in order to present resources of light. And now I’ve said yes to building a community platform that will transform our lives.  


2020 presented a new challenge. We suddenly had to assess our voice. What do we stand for? What do we believe? Who do we stand with? Even with the best intentions some of us have been censored, challenged, and even had conflict within our own friendship circles and family circles. Now I have been tasked with creating a community platform space where each one of us has a voice. Where we can hear each other without fancy algorithms. The funny thing is I know this is just another task of many in front of me. But I just love saying yes. My life is completely transformed, and my heart is full. I feel like I am finally myself.  


So now as we look ahead to 2021; I was given a theme during our November awakening event. The theme is: Go In Not Up ~ Celebrating our Human Experience. What does this mean? There’s been a lot of talk about ascension. And yes, I agree ascension is interesting and important and part of the cycle we are in. However, the journey to self-realization is about going inside ourselves, not reaching for something outside of ourselves. You must go inward. That is where freedom and true liberation exist. If you reach up and out, you may find a brief bliss ride, but it will not sustain for the long-haul. Celebrating our human experience is something myself and Julie Hoyle have spoken of in many of our shows on Buddhist biohacker this year. We cannot deny our humanity.


Tonight, on New Year’s Eve Pluto moves into Capricorn. This is according to sidereal astrology. The last time that Pluto was in Capricorn was 1773. This was the dawning of the American revolution. Thomas Jefferson spoke about a revolution. There is a quote in which he states that a revolution should take place every century and a half. That quote was a century and a half ago. Our human experience is the gift we are given when we choose to come to this planet, we call earth. We choose. We choose to be here and experience all that humanity has to offer. What a unique time for us to be here. During which we may see a new kind of revolution. One that invites collaboration, community, and creativity via technology. The new age we are headed towards, the age of Aquarius, is one in in which technology will not control us but instead unite us. It is one in which we work together towards a free society that is self-governed. The divisive language and polarities of 2020 is simply the collapse of the old ways. And in 2021 we step into a momentum of light.


The speed at which January takes off beginning today, the first, may make you feel like you’ve been swept off your feet. Stay grounded. This is our time. This is why we came here. This is our catalyst for awakening. You don’t need anything fancy to awaken. You don’t even need to know what the age of Aquarius means. You just need to celebrate yourself, your family, and your community. I have celebrated you in 2020 and will continue to celebrate each individual in the collective in 2021. Let’s be part of a revolution of light. The fleet of light warriors. And guess what? There are no leaders. We are all leaders. We will lead and learn from each other. That is the way of things in the dawning of this age. While things can still feel tough. Say yes anyways.


Say yes.



By Lisa M Gunshore


the spider


join the fleet