join the fleet


In March of 2020, I received a call to action to create resources of light.  I saw that there was a need to support the many who would awaken during this time of isolation.  I know how hard it is to face yourself because I have had to do it.  There was NO WAY I was going to let anyone do this alone.  I said YES to Spirit and I went for it.  I pulled together my trusted teachers, colleagues, and friends.  We found our way online and began sharing our messages of healing.

There was no outcome in mind, no way to know that saying yes to this CTA would bring spiritual teachers from across the planet together as One Heart One Earth.  There was no prophetic vision.  My guide was the Great Heart and the Light of the teachers that shared my vision. 

We had to learn how to reach those who needed it.  This meant technology, YouTube, Film, writing, and having tough conversations.  I had to determine where I stood within the narrative and what I really believed in.  I had to see things about the world I didn’t know, didn’t want to see, and wish I could forget.

In 12 months of research, work, conversations, and exploration – I saw the path forward clearly.

It was time to leave the narrative. 

Separation on our planet has been magnified.  The division between sides becoming greater.  We all saw it.  We saw information that began dividing us more than ever before.  People disagreed on reality itself.  What to do?

The only way out is through.  The only way through was to leave all the sides behind and shoot for the middle.  His Holiness the Dalai Lama is my Guru.  He teaches the Middle Way.  We began calling out the lies, ON BOTH SIDES, live on YouTube.  We began inviting our audience to allow for all perceptions, to have compassion, and take a stand against violence.

Gandhi said, ‘Truth and untruth often coexist; good and evil are often found together.’

Leaving the narrative does not mean denying the human experience.  What it means is viewing the human experience through the lens of God-Source, the awakened mind, the witness.  There are challenges in front of us, systems dismantling, and beliefs transforming.  My mission, OUR mission has become laser focused on staying out of divisive energy, judgement of others’ beliefs, and putting a stop to violence.  Violence is everywhere.  It is in our words on social media, our local grocery stores, and in our minds. 

In December of 2020, I received another call to action - create a space for community.  Again, I researched.  I became an app developer and I built ajatakasa, a social media app dedicated to creating a space against violence.  ajatakasa is not divisive, there are no ads, no algorithms.  It is just us.  A community of light.  We share our awakenings, our sorrows, our creativity, and our joy.

NOW, in April 2021, I see what, TOGETHER, we created. 


What we have done is incredible.  We have begun a movement.  The Light Warrior movement.  And what is a Light Warrior?

 A warrior of peace, forgiveness, and freedom.

 The driver of these three qualities are the incredible Siddhas, Saints, and Gurus that the leaders of this community are deeply connected to. 

PEACE – His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, ‘The true hero is one who conquers his own anger and hatred.’  I choose to act as an extension of my Guru.  It is through our willingness to see ourselves for who we are that we are able to heal our shadows and achieve inner peace.  It takes great strength to face yourself.  We choose the path of courage and by doing the inner work, we accept others where they are.

FORGIVENESS –  Muktananda said, ‘Love is our only reason for living and the only purpose of life.  We live for the sake of love, and we live seeking love…it is not surprising that we keep looking for love.  All of us are nothing but vibrations of love.  We are sustained by love, and in the end we merge back into love…’ Light Warriors choose love.  We choose forgiveness because it is the greatest act of compassion.

FREEDOM - In Summer of 2020 I had a Lucid Dream with Gandhi that also proves (daily) to be life changing.  In the 1920’s, Mahatma Gandhi asked for the boycott of foreign made goods.  He became an advocate for home-spun cloth and stopped using British-made textiles.   This was one of several efforts he led to bring freedom to his people.  True sovereignty is freedom of choice.  We are Sovereign Spirits and act in accordance with the Universal Law of Free Will.  We do not impose our beliefs on others’ and we stand strong in our own Truth.


 Now we come together.  We build the momentum around this movement.  Through film, music, art, writing, teaching, and speaking, we now come together in unity.

Achieving One Heart One Earth through Non-Violence

Will you join the Fleet?

Warriors of Peace, Forgiveness, and Freedom



Become a non-violence advocate today

Join the Fleet

By Lisa M Gunshore 


Go in, not up: Celebrating our human experience


ajatakasa and the ambiguous image