ajatakasa and the ambiguous image

Multistable perception is defined as the occurrence of an image being able to provide multiple, although stable, perceptions.

Take this photo for example.  Do you see the old woman?  Do you see the young woman?  Who is correct?

This photo is an example of an ambiguous image.  These reversible visuals create ambiguity and induce the phenomenon of multistable perception.

I read an interesting article on the Clear Eyes Blog (of all places).  This article suggests that your memory, your personal experiences, play a role in how we ‘see’ optical illusions. 

‘This means your memories impact how you interpret ambiguous images, which explains why people see different images first. Things like your age, education and life experiences sway your brain’s thinking.’ Clear Eyes Blog

Bring your awareness back to this image of a woman. 

What perception is correct?
They both are.

Yes, both perceptions exist at the same time.  According to the data, our past experience filters what image we may see first.  However, it is possible that after you see the initial image, your perception can change and suddenly you see a whole new image.

Isn’t that powerful?

We live in a present-time experience where there seem to be two distinct perceptions of our world.  And yet, neither perception is wrong, in fact, they are both correct and exist simultaneously.

Let’s go deeper.

What is it that we are perceiving?  We are perceiving a visual form.  Is the visual form Truth?  Perhaps not.  Let’s look at where the form is coming from.

This is true in life as well.  Our perceptions of the current narrative are still visual, auditory, and olfactory perceptions of a form.  Quantum physics would define the form as energy created by the universal consciousness.  In other words, we create our reality.  And what we perceive is our reality.  There is a significant amount of personal empowerment in this.

You create your life.  You perceive your creation based on your life experience.  No one is wrong.  No one needs to be right.  We are all ‘right’.

The whole point of this exercise is to understand that the focus does not want to be on the image, or the perception of the image.  The focus wants to be on the formless form, the witness, the universal consciousness that is behind it all.

The only way to shift focus is to go within.  All the universe exists inside of us.  Ask any quantum physicist.  When we go within, we find our Truth.  The perceptions no longer matter.  What matters instead is how we exist in all perceptions.  Existing VITALLY and with COMPASSION.

So where does ajatakasa come in?

When you are ready to leave the emphasis on perceptions, you will need somewhere to go.  I have created a social media app for this very purpose.  In ajatakasa, we don’t care what part of the journey you are on.  Instead, we hold space for everyone exactly where you are.  We do not push a narrative, there are no agendas or algorithms.  There is just community.  It is safe to share yourself and where you are.  It is a place of learning with over 1000 hours of incredible content from meditations to spiritual development, yoga to sustainability. 

The Sovereign Spirit has self-responsibility and gives space to those around them as we all walk through our human lives. 
Soul and the Ego can co-exist.
And Truth cannot be ignored.



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Princess Leia was a Diplomat