Tongue Scraping

Tongue-scraping is part of your daily routine in Ayurveda.  When our body processes toxins it releases them into the gastro-intestinal tract.  The body also releases them onto the tongue.  In addition, the post-nasal drip also releases bacteria to the tongue.  The bacteria on the tongue can look like a white coating or mucus.  This white coating is known as Ama or natural toxins.  A tongue scraper removes the Ama.  It has been shown that a tongue scraper removes 75% of sulfur compounds in the mouth vs 45% removed from a toothbrush.

Benefits of tongue-cleaning:

Removes bacteria and reduces the toxins that cause bad breath
Aids digestion
Stimulates the organs

Use a tongue scraper in addition to brushing your teeth.  Use both morning and evening.


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