the importance of self-massage

Self-massage is an important part of an Ayurvedic daily routine.  Self-massage with oil is called Abhyanga.  Abhyanga should be practiced daily.  In Sanskrit, the word Sneha, means oil and love.  You are nourishing your body and generating self-love when you practice Abhyanga.  

Benefits of oiling the body:

Reverses aging of the skin
Benefits sleep patterns
Nourishes the body
Stimulates the organs
Pacifies Pitta and Vata

I recommend oiling your body in the evening prior to sleep.  My favorite treat is to take a warm Epsom salt bath and then practice Abhyanga.  I place equal parts coconut oil and olive oil in a bowl.  I heat the bowl of oil for about 30 seconds.  Then massage the warm oils into your skin.  The oils will saturate the skin throughout your sleep.  You will get the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had!  You can also use Ayurvedic oils for your specific Dosha.


breaking patterns


Tongue Scraping