understanding the indigo

Characteristics of an Indigo

You are a maverick.
You are an old soul.
You go against convention and/or reject social norms.
You know the truth and are frustrated when you see a lack of integrity.
You felt different from your family as a child.
You feel misunderstood.
You are psychic, empathic and are a healer.
You don’t respond well to authority.
You are creative.
You have light eyes or clear eyes.
You are sensitive to toxins.
You have health challenges that cannot be solved by western medicine.
You are attracted to the Occult.
You are musically and/or artistically gifted.
You prefer to work for yourself or are entrepreneurial.
You are sensitive.
You care about the Earth.
You feel you are here for a reason.
You are a natural leader.

Svadhyaya (self-inquiry) to begin to claim your Indigo power:

As a child:

Did I feel different from other children?

Did I feel different from my family?

Did I feel like an outsider?

Did I know more than my family and friends?

Did I feel I was here for an important reason?

In the present moment:

What do I feel my purpose is today?

How am I still misunderstood?
Have I found my tribe?






Break free and ascend


coronavirus and grief