coronavirus and grief

There have been 69,000 + cases discovered of the Coronavirus to date.  Of those cases; 1671 people have died.  The virus is now being identified as a type of pneumonia and the WHO (World Health Organization) has officially named it COVID-19.  The virus is not just impacting the health of China, but also the economy.  The news about the virus called me to take a look at the spiritual energy of the virus and how it impacts all of us globally.

Pneumonia is respiratory.  It is a lung infection that has become serious.  It can come from a fungus, bacteria or virus.  Pneumonia is also an excess of fluid.  Symptoms can include; fever, cough, difficulty breathing and a lack of energy.  The symptoms of the infection are important to note as they lead us to one of the metaphysical reasons behind pneumonia.

Pneumonia affects the ability to breathe and you can often feel like you are drowning in the fluid that is overwhelming your lungs.  In metaphysics this relates to ‘drowning’ in your emotions and a disconnect from the breath of life.  You may be overwhelmed with your current challenges and fears.  There is a need to reconnect with the breath and perhaps to life itself.  The metaphysical reason for pneumonia is grief.  If you are suffering from pneumonia you have not allowed yourself to heal from deep emotional wounds.  You may have trauma that is craving healing.  

I was thinking of the metaphysics behind a respiratory illness and China; this energy came over me and I received a message from Spirit.  The outbreak of Coronavirus in China is coming from a deep-seated grief that is connected to China.  There are deep emotional wounds within the country itself and this virus is a call to heal the trauma.

If you are experiencing a respiratory illness during this winter season you may want to consider your own wounds that are calling to heal.

Where do I feel overwhelmed in my life?  How do I relate to that emotionally?

Are there old traumas from my past that I have ignored?  

Pranayama is a breath practice in yoga that can aid you in re-connecting to the breath of life.  To start, simply sit quietly and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.  You can practice the affirmation: I am filled with the breath of life.  I trust in my process of life.

Lastly, Edgar Cayce prophesized that China would shift consciousness; “Yea, it is far off as man counts time, but only a day in the heart of God – for tomorrow China will awake.”  Perhaps this virus is part of that awakening?

Lisa M Gunshore


understanding the indigo


The new way: coronavirus update