Break free and ascend

Do you feel a sense of discordance with the circumstances of your birth, as if you don't quite fit into the world around you? Are you engaged in an ongoing struggle to break free from familial influences, health issues, or emotional challenges? Do your beliefs diverge significantly from those held by your family? Do you find yourself disconnected from the interests and pursuits of your loved ones, perhaps causing you to drift apart from them?


Our physical bodies serve as vessels for our Souls to experience a three-dimensional reality. Within these bodies lie genetic imprints inherited from our ancestral lineage, chosen at the soul level based on our karma and purpose. For instance, you might have incarnated into a lineage of healers to serve as a lightworker. Or, perhaps you entered a family grappling with illness to overcome adversity and ascend through karmic cycles. Our lineage significantly shapes our identity and life experiences.


Amidst this era of ascension, a movement has arisen seeking liberation from genetics, belief systems, and family patterns. It aims to empower individuals to manifest desires and transcend established norms. Ancestral wisdom, while once aligned with our soul's purpose, might now diverge, prompting a need for a new path. Yet, navigating this change resembles steering through turbulent waters—staticity presents challenges, while altering course poses obstacles. Fear arises from the unknown, stemming from our reluctance to release the past, leading to an inner struggle between holding on and embracing change.


The process of freeing oneself from inherited structures and karma traces back to ancient indigenous Shamans. In recent times, the concept gained attention, particularly in 2020, catalyzing a global awakening to the toxic burdens affecting our lives.


According to teachings associated with the Pleiadians, bridging the gap between physical lineage and soul's destiny involves recognizing our connection to a lineage extending beyond physical ancestry—a link to higher spiritual realms and cosmic energies.


Unveiling ancestral gifts encompasses acknowledging and embracing the wisdom passed down through generations. The Pleiadians stress that within individuals lies the legacy of their ancestors, not merely in genetics but in spiritual wisdom. They encourage harnessing this ancestral wisdom for personal growth and the betterment of oneself and society.


Aligning with one's soul purpose, according to Pleiadian teachings, relates to each individual's unique mission intertwined with the soul's evolution. This involves exploring inner depths, connecting with higher consciousness, and aligning actions, beliefs, and choices with the soul's deeper purpose, contributing positively to collective consciousness.


The Pleiadians emphasize self-awareness, discovery, and spiritual growth to achieve alignment, offering guidance for a deeper connection with one's soul's purpose, understanding life's significance, and embracing personal transformation.


Where to start?


Embrace Your Ancestry: Engage in a deep exploration of your roots, delving into your family tree and gathering insights from elders to uncover the richness of your heritage.


Pay Tribute to Your Lineage: Construct a dedicated altar that honors and acknowledges your ancestry. Adorn your living spaces or Puja with family photographs, setting aside a symbolic place for departed loved ones to honor their presence.


Genetic Insight: Gain understanding into your genetic makeup, learning about the impact of lifestyle on genetic switches. Explore personalized dietary adjustments tailored to your genetic profile.


What I Provide:


Ancestral Connection: Facilitate communication with departed loved ones through an ancestry reading, fostering closure and healing from grief while nurturing a sense of connection with your lineage.


Shamanic Soul Retrieval: Experience holistic healing across various dimensions—physical, energetic, psychological, and spiritual—by exploring healing origins through regression therapy.


Ayurvedic Wellness: Attain equilibrium through Ayurvedic principles, discerning your primary Dosha and embracing dietary and exercise practices aligned with your body's innate nature. This approach aids in healing and supports weight management.


United as a collective of genetic transformers and modern-day Shamans, we stand poised to BREAK FREE and ASCEND. Now is the moment to delve deeply into the transformative work that lies ahead!


prayer for purification


understanding the indigo