My 4 Steps to healing: Become Wise

Through my personal journey of overcoming health crises, heartbreaks, and moments of profound awareness, I discovered the subtle yet impactful process of self-healing. Despite the apparent fluctuations in my life, each shift was integral to my evolution into the person I am today. In 2011, following a full recovery from a health crisis, I began chronicling my experiences in "Enlightenment Pie," delving into the depths of my challenges and triumphs. As I scrutinized my journals, I discerned patterns of behavior that perpetuated turmoil and emotional distress. Within these patterns emerged a clear set of steps that guided me through overcoming destructive cycles in both health and emotions. These steps evolved into a structured process aimed at breaking free from perpetual struggle and discontent. We can experience vitality and achieve balance in all aspects of our lives - physical, emotional, and spiritual. To realize our potential, self-knowledge is vital. It is essential to identify our patterns and dissolve our false sense of self through practices such as meditation and self-inquiry.


In 2011, I experienced a health crisis that opened my mind to the world of functional medicine. Over the next five years, I battled candida, parasites, and mold. Through my journey of self-healing, I uncovered the emotional root of these systemic infections and the genetic challenges that contributed to my health struggles.

In Step Two, Become Wise, I will share the physical and metaphysical principles of mold, candida, and parasites. You will learn how epigenetics and the MTHFR genetic mutation can impact your ability to release toxins, and most importantly, how to self-heal from these systemic infections.

During my self-discovery, I also discovered the power of Functional Ayurveda for profound healing. Ayurveda, meaning 'knowledge of life,' encourages us to trust in our own bodies' wisdom and experience. Like functional medicine, Ayurveda looks beyond symptoms to address imbalances within the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies, extracting dis-ease from its root.

• Master Ayurveda and embrace an Ayurvedic lifestyle with personalized guidance.
• Undergo functional testing to unravel your food sensitivities and assess toxic burden.
• Uncover the intricacies of your genome and its impact on your overall health.


My 4 Steps to healing: Practice


My 4 Steps to healing: Become Aware