Spring Salts

Powdered Ginger Root:

  • Ayurvedic Properties: Ginger is considered heating, stimulating digestion, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in detoxification and supports respiratory health.

  • Spring Relevance: During spring, ginger can help to balance the excess Kapha (earth and water elements) that tends to accumulate during this season. It aids in clearing congestion and boosting metabolism.

  1. Citrus Salt:

    • Ayurvedic Properties: Citrus fruits are considered cooling and refreshing. They aid digestion, support liver function, and provide a good source of vitamin C.

    • Spring Relevance: Citrus salt helps to counterbalance the sluggishness and heaviness often associated with the transition from winter to spring. It rejuvenates and uplifts the body, promoting a sense of lightness.

  2. Dried Basil:

    • Ayurvedic Properties: Basil is known for its digestive properties and is considered to have a calming effect on the mind. It also possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

    • Spring Relevance: Basil can help in pacifying aggravated Pitta (fire and water elements) during spring, reducing excess heat and promoting clarity and focus.

  3. Cayenne:

    • Ayurvedic Properties: Cayenne is highly heating and stimulating. It aids digestion, supports circulation, and has detoxifying properties.

    • Spring Relevance: Cayenne can be beneficial during spring to help revitalize the body after the lethargy of winter. It promotes circulation and warmth, helping to clear out stagnation.

  4. Fenugreek:

    • Ayurvedic Properties: Fenugreek is warming and helps in balancing blood sugar levels. It supports digestion, lactation, and is beneficial for respiratory health.

    • Spring Relevance: Fenugreek can be useful in spring to counterbalance the dampness and congestion often experienced during this season. It aids in digestion and supports overall vitality.

  5. Coriander:

    • Ayurvedic Properties: Coriander is cooling, digestive, and mildly diuretic. It helps to pacify Pitta and Vata doshas, supports digestion, and has detoxifying properties.

    • Spring Relevance: Coriander can be beneficial in spring to cool excess heat and inflammation in the body. It aids in digestion and promotes a sense of balance and harmony.

  6. Mineral Salt:

    • Ayurvedic Properties: Mineral salt, especially Himalayan pink salt, is considered balancing for all doshas. It provides essential minerals, supports hydration, and aids in electrolyte balance.

    • Spring Relevance: Mineral salt helps to replenish electrolytes and minerals lost during the transition from winter to spring. It supports hydration and overall balance in the body.

  7. Pepper:

    • Ayurvedic Properties: Pepper is heating, stimulating, and aids digestion. It has detoxifying properties and helps in clearing congestion.

    • Spring Relevance: Pepper can be beneficial during spring to stimulate digestion and metabolism, helping to clear out accumulated toxins and promote warmth in the body.


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Harmonizing Holistic Cleansing: Ayurvedic, Yogic, and Psychological Insight