Brewing Wellness: Why You Don't Need to Quit Coffee
In the ever-evolving landscape of wellness, certain myths persist, leaving coffee enthusiasts in a state of panic, fearing that a healthy lifestyle means bidding farewell to their beloved brew. Enter Purity Coffee, a brand that shatters these misconceptions, providing a gold standard for healthy coffee that not only allows but encourages coffee consumption without compromise.
Winter Turmeric Buttered Coffee
In the hushed embrace of winter's chill, amidst frost-draped mornings and whispered winds, I find solace in a steaming cup of buttered coffee adorned with the golden hues of turmeric and the comforting essence of pumpkin. As the flames of my hearth dance with fervor, this concoction, a cherished elixir, embodies the wisdom of my intuitive diet, a mindful balance for the tempestuous realms of mold and candida.
Get Grounded Brownies
Experience grounding flavors with these delightful Fall Ayurveda Brownies.
Spring Eggs Benedict
’Asparagine, an aptly named substance in asparagus produces an acetone smell in the urine after eating. Asparagus' high content of saponins and potassium are responsible for its diuretic properties. Kapha constitutions will benefit from asparagus' drying effect, while it can be too drying for vata in large quantities. Dry, deficient vata should especially avoid asparagus during the dry months of August to October.’
easy white bread
For those of you parents trying to switch your kids to healthier choices, you understand my challenges. This led me to my decision to make everything I can at home. Home made bread (even with gluten) is still a healthier option for my kids then store bought products full of preservatives and folic acid. This recipe makes two loaves of bread which would have been perfect for one week of school lunches and breakfast.
eggs and microgreens
Eggs are a source of protein and contain Choline which benefits neurotransmitters. Microgreens are a source of glutathione and folate to aid the body in methylation and managing free-radical stress. Apple cider vinegar supports a healthy gut. This meal is ketogenic in nature.