Meditation is the act of coming in to the present moment through breath and focused intention. Meditation is where we connect to our Truth. Truth with a capital T is defined by one of the Yamas in the Yoga Sutra, Satya. Satya encourages us to live and speak our truth at all times. This idea of truth is about understanding the difference between making a judgment through one’s own perception and actual observation of reality or the facts of a situation through growing self-awareness.
Liberate Your Lineage: Healing Your Ancestral Karma in Partnership with Epigenetics
Ancestral karma is the idea that actions taken by our ancestors affect us today. A more extreme example would be your Great Great Uncle shot a man and now that karma has been passed down. More likely you might have multiple generations of men or women who struggled with abusive relationships and you, too, are repeating the same pattern.
automatic writing
It is important to note that you may have more than one sacred space but it is important to keep consistent. When automatic writing or channeling you are training your body and mind to go into a trance like state. This takes a bit of hypnotic practice which is why keeping the same routine for it is very helpful.
anger, fear, and loneliness
I think the explanation of HALT is excellent. Anger, Fear and Loneliness play an integral part of our human experience and can be excellent teachers. These destructive emotions show us when we are out of balance and trigger the self-inquiry necessary to define our functional boundaries.
forgiveness practice
The idea of forgiveness has come up many times in my sessions over the past month or so. It is so important to come to a place of acceptance and forgiveness in relationships in order to release toxicity. Because of this I wanted to share a Forgiveness Practice that I have used over the years. It is very powerful and can assist you in clearing the toxic energy that comes with anger and resentment in relationships.