Biotransformation Lab: Self-Healing Mold, Candida, and Parasites Series
Biotransformation Lisa M Gunshore Biotransformation Lisa M Gunshore

Biotransformation Lab: Self-Healing Mold, Candida, and Parasites Series

This Biotransformation Lab is a 5-part series, you will learn how you may be affected by Candida, Mold, and Parasites and how to heal them naturally and through spiritual practice.

What you will learn:

• Understand the symptoms related to candida, mold, and parasites

• Understand their metaphysical purpose and explore your own connection

• Learn tools for self-healing such as: meditation, self-inquiry, nutrition, and supplementation

• Learn how to test your body for mold, candida, and parasites and what to do with the data

• Receive a nutrition plan, shopping list, and additional resources

• Join in a private, social community group to share your own experiences

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#237 Bhagavad Gita: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living
Buddhist Biohacker Lisa M Gunshore Buddhist Biohacker Lisa M Gunshore

#237 Bhagavad Gita: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

Come explore the fundamentals of the Bhagavad Gita - from the basic story line to the universal spiritual insights, and discover how readily applicable those teachings are to life in this modern-era. Through parables and philosophy we will unearth what took place 3500 years ago and personally reflect on those truths that have stood the test of time. This is for anyone interested in literature, spirituality, health, yoga, history and more.

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2022 Paradigm shift
Buddhist Biohacker Lisa M Gunshore Buddhist Biohacker Lisa M Gunshore

2022 Paradigm shift

In this podcast episode, Victoria Jane will be sharing her thoughts and insights on what she is calling “The transition from Lightworker to Lighthouse”. According to Victoria’s channeled insight and empirical research 2022 will be a paradigm shift in our ascension journey. Victoria believes we are moving out of ascension symptoms and into ascension abilities and she has created a spiritual practice container called ‘Lighthouse Frequency’ which supports, enhances and activates our unique ascension gifts.

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Spring Eggs Benedict
Recipe Lisa M Gunshore Recipe Lisa M Gunshore

Spring Eggs Benedict

’Asparagine, an aptly named substance in asparagus produces an acetone smell in the urine after eating. Asparagus' high content of saponins and potassium are responsible for its diuretic properties. Kapha constitutions will benefit from asparagus' drying effect, while it can be too drying for vata in large quantities. Dry, deficient vata should especially avoid asparagus during the dry months of August to October.’

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Yoga Beyond the Mat
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

Yoga Beyond the Mat

Barrie points out that it’s perfectly fine and there is value in simply doing yoga for exercise. In fact, she says that most people go to class to move their bodies, and in the West, that is how we know yoga, as an exercise program. In working with her though, she explains, “I’m a yoga teacher that incorporates some of the principles of yoga philosophy into postural practice.” This is helpful for anyone who has an interest in understanding what yoga truly is and how it can apply to life.

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An Unapologetic Creatrix
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

An Unapologetic Creatrix

These early experiences and erroneous beliefs about who she should be became a part of Megan’s personal story. She acknowledges that today these outdated stories are being examined and dropped by the collective. She says, “I think the weight of our expectations is collapsing, what we thought was appropriate.” In her case, there was a family creed that it was best to hide your sadness and not process your emotions. Megan says the thing to do was to look happy even if you weren’t. But following that narrative proved traumatic for her, and that trauma eventually manifested as addiction, eating disorder, and depression.

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Come Together
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

Come Together

It wasn’t long before she was receiving so many requests for readings that she couldn’t keep up. She put together a training program in which she mentored others in developing their psychic medium abilities in order to help handle her growing volume of clients. This helped steer her to where she is today, combining her entrepreneurial skills with her mediumship abilities. She thinks the role she signed up for in this lifetime was not just to be a psychic medium but to take the information and disseminate it and share it on a bigger scale.

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Shining Her Light
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

Shining Her Light

Julie says she notices there is more interest in art and sharing these days, more of a focus on creative outlets and creative expression. It’s one blessing to come out of the pandemic pause, she explains, because it allowed many people the time to focus on the creative ideas they always wanted to explore. She says there is an opening for each of us to ask ourselves, what am I being called to? What does that look like? How can I help to uplift humanity? How can I shine my light?

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A Healthy Money Mindset
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

A Healthy Money Mindset

Krista, who has a biology degree, did not start her career in finances. But now that she’s there, she feels at home. She credits Five Rings Financial for this because “she fell in love with the culture of the company, which has a very education-forward focus.” She adds, “They want to help people feel good about their money.” Another draw for her is their focus on women. They recognize “women think differently, feel differently, talk differently when it comes to money.” The company is made up of sixty-three percent female agents. Of women, Krista says, “We’re nurturers by nature. We want to make people happy.” She doesn’t see these attributes as keeping women from having earning power. Just the opposite. She says, “Women are creative. Women can find darn creative ways to make big money.” However, not all companies have a women-first attitude.

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Finding Heart Centered Work
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

Finding Heart Centered Work

However, it’s inner guidance—her spirit guides and the angelic spirit guides—that Suzanne values and identifies with most. She says of this guidance, “We might think of it as having a team or a family that are here to support us.” She explains how this is not unique to her. “We all have guidance and that guidance is part of us,” she says. “It’s part of our intuitive wisdom. It’s part of our spiritual connection.” She describes these intuitive inputs as pieces of the gifts we have and says they are ours to own.

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Healing with Sound
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

Healing with Sound

She credits the process—which she says was like the opening of a lotus flower—as the impetus for her ultimate awakening. She says, “It all has been tied together: my creativity, my finding my authentic spiritual self, and my authentic voice, both physically and emotionally.” She adds, “I think music has been the vehicle for me to go through my awakening process, to find myself, to discover my true essence, my true nature.” Of the journey, Mary Lydia says it was often painful. She had to face both the light and the dark aspects of her life. However, she adds, it was all beautiful.

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A Force of Nature
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

A Force of Nature

When the time came for her to transition away from teaching high school to making yoga therapy her primary work, April approached the process in her usual way. She went with the flow. She explains, “It was like I was in a current and it just moved me.” She says it’s been that way for her all her life, she trusts that inner feeling, allowing it to guide her forward. In creating her own practice, April explains the feeling like this: “It was a force of nature that moved me on.” She says she hasn’t really faced much resistance from others for her life decisions. She explains, “I’m a red-headed Aires.” Once she decides what she’s going to do, she just does it. Like the inner feeling that guides her, April too is a force of nature.

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Saying Yes to What Comes Calling
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

Saying Yes to What Comes Calling

In flow with the universe, when the opportunities come, Claudette takes them. She follows the thread, devoting her time to her creative projects as needed. She points out the importance for each of us to stay open to guidance and the need for saying yes to what shows up in our lives, even when we can’t envision the outcome. She explains it like this, “Going with the flow, when something is right in front of you that looks like the next step, taking it, and not knowing where it’s going to go, but it always goes somewhere.” She is proof that staying in flow with the universe leads to the next step in the journey.

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