Where the Magick Happens
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

Where the Magick Happens

She wanted to get out and explore and experience the world, and that’s what she’s doing. Melissa explains that living a vanlife allows her to spend most of her time in nature. She says, “I feel like I’m living with spirit when I’m out here. I’m less impacted by billboards and commercials on TV.” She feels like she is truly an open channel for all the beautiful and clear information coming from spirit. She’s where the magic happens.

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Following a Different Beat
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

Following a Different Beat

Because of her lifelong drive for contributing positively to the world, after finishing college, Aimée took on such jobs as raising money for environmental causes and working at the Sierra Club. Having always had a strong connection to trees, she has used her voice to speak for them because she felt like they didn’t have a voice. She worked to protect wild places.

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A Leap of Faith
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

A Leap of Faith

Because of that trust, Lisa recently moved with her family from Washington State across the ocean to Hawaii. Interestingly, she credits COVID-19 as being the catalyst for this big change. She says, “Covid actually is what prompted us to think outside the box.” It made her family ask themselves what they wanted their lives to look like and how they wanted to create that. When the answer came up as Hawaii, Lisa didn’t allow her logical mind to override her intuition. Once again, she took a leap of faith and set out on a new path.

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The Accidental Aromatherapist
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

The Accidental Aromatherapist

These days, Michele finds herself helping others in more ways than one. Her own journey with essential oils is an example. Being sensitive to various scents, which can leave her with negative reactions if she isn’t careful, has led her to become what she calls “the accidental aromatherapist.” In truth, Michele didn’t think she’d ever be able to personally use essential oils. However, when she learned that she could tolerate certain ones, she began making blends for herself, ones that proved beneficial to her.

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Her Saving Grace
Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore Diamond Beauties Lisa M Gunshore

Her Saving Grace

You could say Deanna Hansen, founder of Fluid Isometrics™ and Block Therapy™, was destined to be a healer. As a child, the youngest of three girls, she took on the archetypal roles of caregiver and mediator. Eventually, she became an open pathway,

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Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Three
Looking Through Silver Glass Lisa M Gunshore Looking Through Silver Glass Lisa M Gunshore

Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Three

Your experiences on Earth were once thought to be linear.  One might have accessed their ‘past life’ through a meditation or direct experience with a location your soul once walked.  In this NOW time, an individual can access ALL life involvements for Soul as a hologram, experiencing a multi-dimensional activation of Soul memory.  This can be defined as awakening, recapitulation, or as we see it:

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Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Two
Looking Through Silver Glass Lisa M Gunshore Looking Through Silver Glass Lisa M Gunshore

Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week Two

One of the projects I am working on this year is the reformation of death. As Gandalf says, ‘Death is not the end’. And this is very true. As a Medium, I have been driven to understand what death really is. It was at the end of 2020 that I began to experience transitions of souls who have passed away. My intention is to begin to share them, although that has not been easy with all else happening around me. This is the first transition I have documented.

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Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week One
Looking Through Silver Glass Lisa M Gunshore Looking Through Silver Glass Lisa M Gunshore

Looking Through Silver Glass: January 2022 Week One

Awakening continues across the planet. More and more individuals become aware of esoteric teachings, galactic knowledge, and understanding of quantum reality. As we begin this year it feels important that we check in with ourselves and identify where we are in this cycle. Take a few minutes this week to ask the questions and journal your thoughts. As Truth reveals itself in the narrative; what will surprise you? What do you already know?

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Pillars of Fire and Light
Astral Lisa M Gunshore Astral Lisa M Gunshore

Pillars of Fire and Light

September is about letting go and shedding the old. This has been a theme throughout the year. As systems dismantle around us, we are called to let go of what no longer serves us. While we are losing some things that we had become accustomed to; we are gaining new things. The focus of the energy this month is on sharing with others, collaborating for success of the whole collective vs the individual. This shows a coming together due to the loss of something valuable. For those affected by the events of August, you will heal during this time and rise like the phoenix out of the ashes. This month is about challenging tradition and non-conformity. The water will rock. Possible Tsunami. Humanity will be asked to overcome their addictions and obsessive behavior. The energy of this month is very mental. Do not allow control energy to affect you.

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Full Moon August 2021
Astral Lisa M Gunshore Astral Lisa M Gunshore

Full Moon August 2021

By ALLOWING what is no longer aligned to leave your energy field and SURRENDERING to what is presenting itself to you – we THRIVE.

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Guide June 28-July 4, 2021
Astral Lisa M Gunshore Astral Lisa M Gunshore

Guide June 28-July 4, 2021

There has been a history of explosions when using a pressure cooker.  However, there are still thousands of households that use a pressure cooker.  The benefit is faster cooking times.  If we compare this to our current life experience, we can understand that the challenges at present are benefitting us by pushing us through layers of energy at a rapid pace.  We are simply ‘cooking’ faster.  The temps will be high – just today the Schumann Resonance is at 77.  The photon-light bundles that are entering our atmosphere are growing in intensity.  This means that light code activations have increased, frequencies are lifted, and our human experience is altered.  This may manifest as increased sensitivity to the world around you; EMF’s, food, health, and emotional challenges.

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Together We Rise
Astral Lisa M Gunshore Astral Lisa M Gunshore

Together We Rise

It is the United States Election Day 2020.

There has been a significant build of energy towards this point in our linear time. Whilst this can be expected during a Presidential election; this year has been very different for obvious circumstances.

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New Moon: Lucid Vision
Astral Lisa M Gunshore Astral Lisa M Gunshore

New Moon: Lucid Vision

Today, for the New Moon, I invite you to become Lucid in your daily life. Notice what is happening at each moment. Take a look around. What do you see? There are subtle energies that perhaps you never noticed. Time may be different. Who are you today?


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Ascension Waves
Astral Lisa M Gunshore Astral Lisa M Gunshore

Ascension Waves

Integration happens thru these three steps:

1. Research the teachings and teachers that were presented to you from 11-11-19 to June 30, 2020. Understand their body of work and their overarching themes or messages.

2. Practice Meditation and yoga, as well as listening to sound, to integrate the teachings at a cellular level.

3. Write a clear vision of your individual mission and teachings to share.

There is no time to waste so act hastily but with focused intention.

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My Dream
Astral Lisa M Gunshore Astral Lisa M Gunshore

My Dream

Our message, as the Collective, prompted by this dream is: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There are many beings on the planet (and surrounding it) that are here to support this transition. We urge you, the human collective, to UNITE. It is through standing together that you will move through the process of integration easefully. Communities of Light are being created across the Earth and it is through connecting with one another that the golden age, as you call it, will manifest at rapid pace. Many tests will appear that will challenge you and ask for division and separateness from each other and from God-Source. Do not fail these tests. Continue to come together in community.

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